Develop an application based on video-on-demand websites that provides an extensive database of available content. It should consist of various pages and a global navbar.

  • Popular Movies Page (Home Page)
  • Top Rated Movies Page
  • Upcoming Movies Page
  • Single Movie Details Page
  • Searched Movies Page

### List of Features

Global Navbar:

  • Users should be able to see a navbar at the top of every page.
  • Users should be able to see the title “movieDB” at the left side of the navbar.
  • Users should be able to view navigation buttons, including Popular, Top Rated, and Upcoming, in the navbar.
  • Users should be able to navigate to Popular (/), Top Rated (/top-rated), and Upcoming (/upcoming) Routes by clicking on the respective buttons.
  • Users should be able to see a search bar and a search button inside the navbar, where they can enter their search queries.

Popular Movies Page (Home Page):

  • Users should be able to view a grid of movie posters, arranged in multiple rows and columns, fetched from the popular movies API.
  • Each movie poster should include an image of the movie, its name, its rating, and a View Details button.

Top Rated Movies Page:

  • Users should be able to view a grid of movie posters, arranged in multiple rows and columns, fetched from the top rated movies API.
  • Each movie poster should include an image of the movie, its name, its rating, and a View Details button.

Upcoming Movies Page:

  • Users should be able to view a grid of movie posters, arranged in multiple rows and columns, fetched from the upcoming movies API.
  • Each movie poster should include an image of the movie, its name, its rating, and a View Details button.

Single Movie Details Page:

  • When users click on the View Details button of a specific movie poster on any movie page, it should open a new page displaying the details of the respective movie.
  • Users should be able to see two sections:
    • Movie details section
    • Cast details section
  • The movie details section should include the movie's name, image, ratings, duration, genre, release date, and an overview, all of which will be fetched from the movie details API.
  • The cast details section should display a grid of cast members, arranged in multiple rows and columns, retrieved from the movie cast details API.
  • Each cast member's details should include their image, their original name, and their character name in the movie.

Searched Movies Page:

  • The searched movies page should only be displayed when a search is initiated.
  • Users should be able to view a grid of movie posters, arranged in multiple rows and columns, fetched from the searched movies API.
  • Each movie poster should include an image of the movie, its name, its rating, and a View Details button.


  • Every page should feature a global nav bar at the top.
  • Initially, users should be able to see the Popular Page (Home Page) upon accessing the website.
  • Each page corresponds to a different route.


  • Upload the project on Codesandbox ( and submit it using the code sandbox link. This is mandatory, without this, the submission will not be accepted.
  • The project must be responsive with decent CSS.
  • It is not necessary that the colors should match the images above. Use your imagination and try to make it as you like.
  • Pagination is required.
  • If you are a candidate with more than 6 months of experience then using Redux for state management purposes is a MUST.
  • If you are a fresher then can directly do API calls in the components themselves.
  • Make sure the components are reusable wherever possible.

API Details:


  • Get popular Movies:${API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1
  • Get Top Rated Movies:${API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1
  • Get Upcoming Movies:${API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1
  • Get Single Movie Details:${MOVIE_ID}?api_key=${API_KEY}&language=en-US
  • Get Movie Cast Details:${MOVIE_ID}/credits?api_key=${API_KEY}&language=en-US
  • Get Searched Movies:${API_KEY}&language=en-US&query=${MOVIE_NAME}&page=1

**Note:** Make sure to replace `${API_KEY}`, `${MOVIE_ID}` and `${MOVIE_NAME}` with actual values when using these APIs.
#### Submission Form: Click the below button and submit your code sandbox link
**Follow the clean code guidelines**