
Creating a neural network from scratch using just Numpy. The end goal is to give interface similar to pytorch.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a project to understand the neural network implementaion.
The aim is to create a library similar to pytorch, with basic rudimentary functionalities.

The library is named chochin and as of yet, following functionalities are present:



  1. Linear Layer

Activation Functions


  1. ReLU
  2. Sigmoid



  1. MSELoss()
  2. BCELoss()



  1. SGD

The demo.ipynb file shows the usage of the library.


chochin: `import chochin`  
|   |---Linear  
|   |---ReLU  
|   |---Sigmoid  
|   |---MSELoss  
|   |---BCELoss  

How to use.

  1. In pytorch everything is in torch.tensor here everything is in numpy.ndarray if not error is raised.
  2. Basic import: import chochin
  3. Custom class: class MyClass(chochin.nn.NeuralNetwork
  4. Layers: self.hidden1 = chochin.nn.Linear(in_features=<some num>, out_features=<some num>, bias=<True or False>, requires_grad=<default True>
  5. Activation functions: self.activation_fun = chochin.activations.ReLu()
  6. Loss functions: loss_fun = chochin.loss.MSELoss() which returns an object
  7. Loss Calculation: loss = loss_fun(yhat,y) which returns a scalar value. unlike pytorch.
  8. Calculating gradients: model.backward(loss_fun.backward()) which doesnt return anything, not like pytorch
  9. Optimizer: optimizer = chochin.optim.SGD(model,lr=<some num>), where model is the chochin.nn.NeuralNetwork or its subclass object, unlike model.parameters() in pytorch.
  10. Updating parameters: optimizer.step()
  11. optim.zero_grads(): NA, everytime the gradients are overwritten.

Implementation Details

Neural Network Model

There is a base class chochin.nn.NeuralNetwork, and all further neural models should necessarily be subclass of it.
It is equivalent to torch.nn.Module


As of yet only linear layer is present: chochin.nn.Linear which is equivalent to torch.nn.Linear.
It takes parameters:

  • in_features : <int>input features
  • out_features : <int> output features
  • bias : <boolean> if bias needs to be present or not
  • requires_grad : <boolean> whether gradient needs to be calculated or not

Activation functions

There is a base class ActivationFunction, and all activation functions are necessarily its subclass.
They take parameter requires_grad = default True because of the way gradients are calculated here naively. It needs to be necessarily True for backpropagation.

All activation functions necessarily needs to initialize:

  • self.function: a->h: calculate the output of provided aggregation value.

  • self.derivative_function: h wrt a: used during backpropagation

    The available activation functions are:

    1. ReLU: chochin.activations.ReLU(requires_grad=True)
    2. Sigmoid: chochin.activations.Sigmoid(requires_grad=True

Loss functions

Base class: chochin.loss.LossFunction and all loss functions necessarily need to be its subclass.

They take parameter requires_grad = default True which is required for backpropagation.

All subclass activation functions need to define following necessarily:

  1. self.function: yhat,y -> loss
  2. self.derivative_function: yhat,y -> d(L)/d(yhat): Used during backpropagation.

Available Loss functions:

  1. chochin.loss.MSELoss()
  2. chochin.loss.BCELoss(): Its a basic implementation and thus results are not so great.


There is no base class for this yet.
Available optimizers:

  1. chochin.optim.SGD(): which takes model (instantiation of chochin.nn.NeuralNetwork or its subclass) and lr(learning rate) as parameters.

Backpropagation calculation

  1. Each layer has derivative_function: inputs->derivative wrt inputs or calculates the equivalent using functions.
  2. Each layer stores the necessary inputs which are required to calculate the derivatives wrt some input.
    1. Because of this even activation functions and loss needs to store the inputs given to them.
  3. Using the derivative_function (or equivalent) and the saved inputs, the partial derivative at the current node is calculated.
  4. Further the partial derivatives is passed to back layers and just like in theory using the chain rule, product of partial derivatives are taken.