
A project where anyone can sell and buy products

Primary LanguageJava

Android Ecommerce Platform

A project where anyone can sell and buy there products

How to Configure Android Ecommerce Project

How to configure Android Application ?
All the url's for the hosting service are added in here you can edit them as you like for simplicity just change the domain name of the url's that will be easy. live/Abhinav/ecommerce/extras/AppConfig.java

How to add database?
create a database named u810384278_ecom. Then import u810384278_ecom.sql located in database folder.

How to configure the PHP database's mapping ?
All the database credentials are added in DBConfiguration.php Add the details as required in the fields

Where to put the PHP scripts ?
in public_html/ecommerce/ of your Apache Web Server

Apk file is located at Android Application/app-release.apk