Pinned Repositories
This is the first android application I developed. The JourneyApp is a simple Android application designed to simulate a journey through multiple stops along a route. It allows users to track their progress, switch between routes, and switch between units of distance measurement (kilometers and miles).
Midterm Application, A simple binary + decimal calculator which can perform addition and subtraction.
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science, physics, etc implemented in C for educational purposes.
Assembler and Simulator created in group as a project in semester 2
Mobile Computing 2024 project. Allows user to backup file to Google Firebase storage as well as upload any of there choice file on the cloud. Also stores most frequently used file into local storage from cloud. Works on latest android versions, utilizes media store, kotlin, room database api, Firebase. For accessibility provides talkback feature.
Assignment Of the Course Distributed Systems, consist of three subparts using RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ,gRPC
All completed assignments of CSE 343/543 Machine learning course, took in IIITD in Monsoon Semester 2023
Machine learning project done during Monsoon Semester 2023 in IIITD.
Project done during monsoon semester 2023 in IIIT-D. Implementation of a tcp reciever
Volume Renderer, a testament to the power of computer graphics. This project was undertaken during the Monsoon 2023 semester at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIITD).
DeepanshuDabas03's Repositories
This is the first android application I developed. The JourneyApp is a simple Android application designed to simulate a journey through multiple stops along a route. It allows users to track their progress, switch between routes, and switch between units of distance measurement (kilometers and miles).
Mobile Computing 2024 project. Allows user to backup file to Google Firebase storage as well as upload any of there choice file on the cloud. Also stores most frequently used file into local storage from cloud. Works on latest android versions, utilizes media store, kotlin, room database api, Firebase. For accessibility provides talkback feature.
All completed assignments of CSE 343/543 Machine learning course, took in IIITD in Monsoon Semester 2023
Midterm Application, A simple binary + decimal calculator which can perform addition and subtraction.
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science, physics, etc implemented in C for educational purposes.
Assembler and Simulator created in group as a project in semester 2
Contains all the Theory Assignments and Programming Labs done during Winter-2023 in CSE222
Implementation of decision tree from scratch using numpy and pandas only. Supports both type of cost function, information gain as well as gini index
Assignment Of the Course Distributed Systems, consist of three subparts using RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ,gRPC
Welcome to the Flipkart Grid Product Recommendation System project! This project utilizes Next.js and was bootstrapped with create-next-app.
A simple game designed during initial days of learning Python as a assignment in Intro To Programming Course
Machine learning project done during Monsoon Semester 2023 in IIITD.
Project done during monsoon semester 2023 in IIIT-D. Implementation of a tcp reciever
Volume Renderer, a testament to the power of computer graphics. This project was undertaken during the Monsoon 2023 semester at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIITD).
Image classifier which uses tensorflow lite along with nnapi delegate, also uses some native code. Additional functionalites: restricted image access: only allow app to access image you allow.
This project implements a distributed K-means clustering algorithm using a custom-built MapReduce framework. It is designed to handle potentially large datasets by distributing the clustering workload across multiple processes or machines. Uses gRPC for the communication between mapper, reducer, master
All object oriented projects in this repository.
This repository contains Operating system assignments
Sensor App which fetches data from sensors continuously and display it on screen. Also have otpion to store and retrieve data to Downloads folder.
Java Project done during winter semester 2022
This Android application use Open-Meteo API to retrieve weather information, either current or historical. It empowers users to input a location (latitude/longitude) and date to acquire the corresponding maximum and minimum temperatures for that specific time and place.