
This repo consist of an interactive responsive web page to track the travel places of an user and also the people of his choice!

Primary LanguageEJS

Family Travel Tracker


The Family Travel Tracker is an interactive web-based application that allows you to keep track of countries that each family member has visited. With an easy-to-use interface, you can add family members, select the countries they have traveled to, and visualize the results on a world map. The application provides a clear overview of the total number of countries visited by each family member.


  • Add Family Members: Add new family members by typing their names and selecting them from the tab bar at the top of the page.
  • Track Countries Travelled: For each family member, you can mark the countries they have visited on a world map.
  • Real-time Map Visualization: The map will highlight the countries visited by the selected family member in real-time.
  • Track Total Countries: Display the total number of countries visited by each family member.


Family Travel Tracker Screenshot

Demo Video

If you'd like to see how the Family Travel Tracker works in action, check out this demo:

Family Travel Tracker Demo

How It Works

  1. Add Family Member:

    • Enter a family member's name in the input field at the top.
    • Click the Add button to include them in the tracker.
    • The family member will be displayed in the navigation tab.
  2. Mark Countries Travelled:

    • Select the family member from the navigation tab (e.g., Angela or Jack).
    • Enter the country name in the input field, then press Add.
    • The map will highlight the country visited, and the total count of countries will be updated.
  3. View Travel Summary:

    • The total count of countries visited is displayed at the bottom left for each family member.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: For structuring the application.
  • CSS3: For styling the application, including the map visualization.
  • JavaScript: For adding interactivity, tracking countries, and updating the map.
  • D3.js: Used for rendering and interacting with the world map.
  • Leaflet.js: Map rendering and geospatial data handling.

How to Run Locally

  1. Clone the repository:

    ```bash git clone https://github.com/yourusername/family-travel-tracker.git ```

  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    ```bash cd family-travel-tracker ```

  3. Open the index.html file in your browser:

    ```bash open index.html ```

  4. Start adding family members and tracking their travels!