


Due to GPU and data constraints


Metric: Classfication Accuracy Loss: CrossEntropy Optimizer: Adam


Original ViT: ViT( image_size = 256, patch_size = 16, num_classes = 10, dim = 1024, depth = 6, heads = 16, mlp_dim = 2048, dropout = 0.1, emb_dropout = 0.1 )


Model Accuracy
Original ViT 75,66 small,64 small p8, 66 small p8 mean
Adapted BigBird 73.85, 61 small p8 mean
Random Attention 68 small , 65 small p8. 58 small p8 mean
Random Attention + Global - , -, 60 small p8 mean
Random Attention + Window - , -, 61.7 small p8 mean
Windowed Attention -
Windowed Attention + Global -
Global Attention -

Combinations of the above

Model Accuracy
Original ViT 53.33
Adapted BigBird 64.58
Random Attention 59.37
Random Attention + Global 62.29
Random Attention + Window 63.39
Windowed Attention 66.25
Windowed Attention+ Global 65.66
Global Attention 62.39