
Extracts Text out of Images using OpenCV and Pytesseract

Primary LanguagePython

Text Extraction From Images

This project takes up a directory of jpg files and applies computer vision to them to extract text from the images.

Getting Started

To clone the repository to local machine, use git clone.


You will need following packsges: For computer vision:

  1. numpy
  2. cv2
  3. imutils
  4. skimage

For Text Extraction:

  1. pytesseract
  2. pillow


For installing OpenCV, type following command in terminal

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

For numpy, pillow, imutils installation,

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pillow
pip3 install imutils

Running the tests

To run the code, visit the directory where you have cloned the code and then type the following command to run it:

python3 image_text_extractor.py