

Primary LanguageJava


这是我以前刷的leetcode题目,刚开始挺困难,后面刷多了,就有点节奏,做出来之后有一种成就感! 我上传了的源码,放到github上,以后可能会用到!

题号 题目内容 题目难度
42 Trapping Rain Water 中等
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 中等
*152 Maximum Product Subarray
85 Maximal Rectangle 中等
322 Coin Change
240 Search a 2D Matrix II
621 Task Scheduler 中等
236 Search a 2D Matrix II 中等
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 中等
221 Maximal Square 中等
279 Perfect Squares 中等
*337 House Robber III 中等
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 中等
32 Longest Valid Parentheses
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 中等
62 Unique Paths 中等
11 Container With Most Water 中等
287 Find the Duplicate Number 中等
*22 Generate Parentheses 中等
49 Group Anagrams 中等
Longest Consecutive Sequence 中等
*215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 中等
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 中等
*55 Jump Game 中等
139 Word Break 中等
48 Rotate Image 中等
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 中等
55 Jump Game 中等
*64 Minimum Path Sum 中等
56 Merge Intervals 中等
72 Edit Distance 中等
*142 Linked List Cycle II 中等
39 Combination Sum 中等
200 Number of Islands 中等
394 Decode String 中等
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 中等
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height 中等
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum 中等
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 中等
*5 Longest Palindromic Substring 简单
538 Convert BST to Greater Tree 简单
572 Subtree of Another Tree 简单
543 Diameter of Binary Tree 简单
101 Symmetric Tree 简单
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 简单
581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray 简单
155 Min Stack 简单
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 简单
234 Palindrome Linked List 简单
53 Maximum Subarray 简单
148 Sort List 简单
647 Palindromic Substrings 简单
438 Find All Anagrams in a String 简单
70 Climbing Stairs 简单
437 Path Sum III 中等
*198 House Robber 简单
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 简单
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 简单
2 Add Two Numbers 简单
15 Three Sum 简单
448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array 中等
283 Move Zeroes 简单
169 Majority Element 简单
226 Invert Binary Tree 简单
494 Target Sum 简单
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 简单
617 Merge Two Binary Trees/a> 简单
461 Hamming Distance 简单
771 Jewels and Stones 简单
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 简单
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted 简单
66 Plus one 简单
MergeArray 简单
347 Top K Frequent Elements 简单
*606 Construct String from Binary Tree 简单
35 Search Insert Position 简单
206 Reverse Linked List 简单
141 Linked List Cycle 简单
*268 Missing Number 简单
*521 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I 简单
917 Reverse Only Letters 简单
Binary Search Modification 简单
136 Single Number 简单
7 Reverse Integer 简单
349 Intersection of Two Arrays 简单
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 简单
Detect Capital 简单
Reverse String II 简单
1 Two Sum 简单
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 简单
Find Middle Node 简单
Sorted Question 简单
* Compute Digit 简单
3 Pairs Of Parentheses 中等
Joseph Problem 简单