
Key Features

  1. Customer Features
    • Login (email,password)
    • Register (Name,email,password)
    • ProfileUpdate (email,password)
    • Buy products
    • Wishlist, Cart
  2. Seller Features
    • Login (email,password)
    • Register (Name,email,password)
    • ProfileUpdate (email,password)
    • Product Features (Add,Edit,Delete,Search)
    • Present stock details
    • Product and respective purchased Customer Details
  3. Monitor/Adminstrator
    • View all the products
    • View all the customers
    • View all the sellers

This is is a simple user-interactive E-Commerce application made in C++.It is a pure console application that can be accessed via the command line. The store.txt contains the initial products that are available for sale in the site and each line contains: product name, no.of products in stock and price of each product in order seperated by hyphen. One can change the available products as per their wish. To use the application, just type 'make' after cloning the repo to your machine.