
Primary LanguageJavaScript

LearnFree Website

Website Key Features

  1. User Features
    • Login (email,password)
    • Signup (Name,email,password,profile picture)
    • ProfileUpdate (name,email,password,profile picture)
  2. TaskManager
    • Main Features (Create,Edit,Delete,Search)
    • Task Features (Title,Description,Category,Deadline)
  3. CoursePage
    • Courses (embedded videos and resource links)

Tech Stack Used:

  • ReactJS, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS - frontend
  • NodeJS & ExpressJS - backend
  • MongoDB - database
  • User Authentication using JWTs


  • Cloudinary for image(profile pic) storage
  • Postman for building,updating and testing user and task APIs
  • Redux devtools for our action status (error,success,fail)



  • POST /api/users/
  • POST /api/users/login
  • DELETE /api/users/profile


  • GET /api/notes
  • POST /api/notes/create
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id
  • PUT /api/notes/:id
  • GET /api/notes/:id

Running Client Side

  • cd into the frontend folder
  • run npm install --save to install dependencies.
  • Run npm start to start the application.
  • Open your browser at localhost:3000 to view the application
cd frontend
npm install --save
npm start

Running Server Side

  • cd into the backend folder
  • run npm install --save to install dependencies.
  • Run npm start to start the application.
  • Open your browser at localhost:5000 to view the application
cd backend
npm install --save
npm start

Steps to run the whole project

  • Fork the repo and clone it.
  • run npm install --save to install dependencies.
  • Run npm start dev to start the application.
  • Open your browser at localhost:5000 to view the application
npm install --save
npm run dev

Git commands

git init
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git remote add origin https://github.com/Deepthi2001/Elearning.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main