Primary LanguagePython


Please run the src/experiment2.py to reproduce the experiment results.

  • train.py function train(): Train baseline model

  • advtrain_explain_tangval.py function advTrain_explanation_indirect(): Train ATEX model

  • advtrain_explain_tangval.py function advTrain_FGSM(): Evaluate model adversairal defence performance

  • attack_explain.py function attack_explanation() : Evaluate model robustness before and after defense

  • compare_explain.py function compare_explanation() : Compare model attention maps with SmoothGrad before and after defense

  • attack_explain.py function attack_explanation_random() : Visualization of Adversarial attack on interpretation

  • attack_explain.py function explanation_random() : Visualization saliency map of ATEX model and Baseline model

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