
Extends django-DefectDojo (https://github.com/rackerlabs/django-DefectDojo) by incorporating survey(s) associated with each engagement to help develop a test strategy.

Primary LanguagePython

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 / // / -_) _/ -_) __/ __/ // / _ \  / / _ \     
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DefectDojo Engagement Survey extends django-DefectDojo (https://github.com/rackerlabs/django-DefectDojo) by incorporating survey(s) associated with each engagement to help develop a test strategy. The questions within these surveys have been created by the Rackspace Security Engineering team to help identify the attack vectors and risks associated with the product being assessed.


If you are using virtual environments, make sure you activate the appropriate one before installation.

clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/grendel513/defectDojo-engagement-survey.git

run the install script:

cd defectDojo-engagement-survey
pip install .

synchronize your database (Django < 1.7 with south):

python manage.py schemamigration defectDojo_engagement_survey  --initial
python manage.py migrate defectDojo_engagement_survey

synchronize your database (Django >= 1.7):

python manage.py makemigrations defectDojo_engagement_survey
python manage.py migrate

Load initial fixtures

The Rackspace Security Engineering team has created an initial set of surveys, if you want to import them run:

python manage.py loaddata /path_to/initial_surveys.json

NOTE: Before installing the fixtures, add a Question via the Django Admin. Then use mysql to select * from defectDojo_engagement_survey_question;, this will give you the polymorphic_ctype_id for your system.

Update the initial_surveys.json to reflect your ID number, this can be accomplised with vim with :%s/70/NEW/g where NEW is your polymorphic_ctype_id



Add the following to the INSTALLED_APPS setting:

    'polymorphic',   # provides admin templates

Notice that defectDojo_engagement_survey is before dojo, this is because it extends and overrides features.


Add the following:

from defectDojo_engagement_survey.urls import urlpatterns as survey_urls

urlpatterns += survey_urls


The Engagement Survey functionality will now be available under each engagement.
The creation of surveys is done via Django's Admin Interface

Questions or Comments?

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Send me an email to jay.paz@gmail.com


I love getting patches! Send me a pull request.