
Script created by defendergb

Primary LanguagePython


DISCLAIMER: All the scripts/binaries posted on this GitHub should be used for authorized penetration testing and/or educational purposes only. Any misuse of this software will not be the responsibility of the author or of any other collaborator. Use it at your own networks and/or with the network owner's permission.

UNIX Password Cracker

Pasword cracker created from following Violent Python.


This bash script performs a TCP nmap scans against a given IP or hostname for all ports (0-65535) then runs a version scan and default scripts scan against open ports (-sV -sC). Each scan will be output their own nmap results (-o). Per my learnings, it will also post suggested tools to run for further enumeration.

Usage: sudo ./nmapscan.sh

nmapscan example


This bash script performs a network scan that uses ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes then outputs found targets using column and comma-separated.

Usage: ./sweeper.sh

sweeper example

BufferOverflow Basic Toolkit

This python script can perform steps to fuzz, validate, identify, and exploit a Buffer Overflow vulnerability.

Fuzzer Usage: bufferoverflow.py --port 1337 --prefix 'OVERFLOW1 ' --mode fuzzer
Finding Offset Usage: bufferoverflow.py --port 1337 --prefix 'OVERFLOW1 ' --mode offset --offset 700
Bad Characters Finder Usage: bufferoverflow.py -p 1337 -pr 'OVERFLOW1 ' -m badchar -o 655 --badchars '\x00\x01'
Validate Jump Address Usage: bufferoverflow.py -p 1337 --prefix 'OVERFLOW1 ' -m findjump -o 655 -b '\x00\x01' -j '\xaf\x11\x50\x62'
Exploit Usage: bufferoverflow.py -p 1337 --prefix 'OVERFLOW1 '-m exploit -o 655 -b '\x00\x01' -j '\xaf\x11\x50\x62'

buffer overflow example

More to come!