🛠️ Twitter Archive Toolkit

Swiss army knife for experiments with my twitter archive.

Live demo: https://defenderofbasic.github.io/twitter-archive-toolkit/

  • The basic viewer defaults to loading my twitter JSON
  • You can replace it with your own JSON, either from the community-archive or locally
  • To get yours from the community-archive, see the URL list in data/bucket-urls.json
    • To do it locally:
      • run the script ./scripts/raw-archive-to-json.js. Set the filepath to your twitter archive
      • this will combine all the relevant data from the ZIP file into one json
      • put that JSON into frontend/public/local-archives/ (or just host it anywhere)
      • give the app that URL

Semantic search

This will automatically fetch the tweets from the given archive, embed them using OpenAI's embedding model, store the vector results in a local JSON file using Vectra. Once it's done embedding, you can search your tweets semantically.