
An end-to-end ML Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

End to End Machine Learning Project

This project aims to apply the best software engineering practices in a Machine Learning project in order to deploy the model.

We are developing a model to predict if a Data Scientist is willing to leave his/her current job. We are not interested in the accuracy of the model (which is 77%), but rather to transition from the research environment to production code, packaging, and finally deployment of the model.


Research Code ➙ Production Code ➙ Deployment

Python Scikit-learn Jupyter Anaconda PyCharm Docker Git Heroku FastAPI Pytest tox

Project Structure

│   README.md
│   MANIFEST.in    
│   mypy.ini
│   pyproject.toml
│   setyp.py
│   .gitignore
│   tox.ini
│   Dockerfile
│   │   1. Data Analysis.ipynb
│   │   2. Feature Engineering.ipynb
│   │   3. Feature Engineering Pipeline.ipynb
│   │   4. Machine Learning.ipynb
│   │   preprocess.py
│   │   requirements.txt
│   │   research-env.txt
│   │   production.txt
│   │   deployment.txt  
│   │   VERSION
│   │   __init__.py
│   │   config.yml
│   │   pipeline.py
│   │   train_pipeline.py
│   │   predict.py
│   │
│   └───config 
│   │   │   __init__.py
│   │   │   core.py
│   │ 
│   └───data 
│   │   │   __init__.py
│   │   │   train.csv
│   │   │   test.csv
│   │     
│   └───processing 
│   │   │   __init__.py
│   │   │   data_manager.py
│   │   │   features.py
│   │  
│   └───trained_models 
│   │   │   __init__.py  
│   ...

Steps in An End-to-end ML Project

  1. Start with jupyter notebooks and finalize a model.
  2. Transform research code to production code.
  3. Make the project a package.
  4. Serve it via a REST API.
  5. Dockerize it and deploy it.

1. Start with jupyter notebooks and finalize a model

The notebooks folder is the research which is often done by a Data Scientist.

Usually a Data Analysis notebook for EDA and data understanding is the first step. Then, features are created in a pipeline. Here, sciki-learn and feature-engine were used. Finally, the ML model is placed at the end of the pipeline.

Research can be very time-consuming. Here, a simple pipeline is created, because the creation of a 95% accuracy model is out of the scope of this work.

2. Transform research code to production code

The src folder is the transformation of the jupyter notebooks to a python project.

Some good practices:

  • Create a config.yml file that contains all the constants and configurations derived from the notebooks. Accompany it with a .py file to parse it (Here it is the src/config/core.py).
  • Tidy all extra functions written and place them in a processing folder. For example, in src/processing/data_manager.py there are functions to read the data, save, read, and remove the pipeline.
  • Make different file for train_pipeline.py and predict.py.
  • Always create very small functions to test them easier and have a readable code.
  • Create a trained_models folder to deposit the models.
  • Have a VERSION file, to track the version of the project, e.g. 0.0.4
  • Write tests. Now write more tests.
  • Make a tox.ini file to make life easier, test code faster, get rid of styling, type checks, linting, and PEP8 concerns.

Note: In order to import your python files as packages in other python files, we need to add the project's filepath to the Path environmental Variable.

3. Make the project a package

We need 3 files in the root of the project:

  1. MANIFEST.ini: Define which files to include and exclude from the package.
  2. pyproject.toml: Specify basic dependencies and configure tooling.
  3. setup.py: Package metadata, version, requirements, how to create the package.

From the project directory: python -m build

Then, make an account to PyPI. Install twine: pip install twine

Upload: twine upload dist/end_to_end_ML_project-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl

Now the package can be installed like any other package with pip install end-to-end-ML-project

It can be imported like: import src

4. Serve it via a REST API

The API should be a different repository or at least a different folder. Here it is located in the folder app-fastapi.

The first thing here is in the requirements.txt, where we define to install the end-to-end-ML-project package, which we have published earlier.

Three key files of the api are:

  • config.py: Specify metadata of the api, and logging settings.
  • main.py: Define the main app and the index page router.
  • api.py: Define a health and a predict endpoint.

We define some schemas for automatic validation of variable types. We define some schemas for automatic validation of variable types.

We also define tests with predefined input data to predict.

We also use logging and the package loguru.

The Procfile and runtime.txt are necessary files to deploy on Heroku.

5. Dockerize it and deploy it

We create a Dockerfile and build the image:

docker build -t end-to-end-ML-project:latest .

We run the image:

docker run -p 8001:8001 -e PORT=8001 end-to-end-ml-project

We can see the output on localhost:8001/

Now to deploy on Heroku, create a heroku.yml file.

heroku login
heroku cointainer:login
heroku container:push web --app end-to-end-ml-project
heroku container:release web --app end-to-end-ml-project
heroku open --app end-to-end-ml-project