Key Suppressor

Suppresses a configurable list of keys to prevent the base game from handling that key event whilst enabling other mods to still handle that event.


The Controller mapping in Stardew Valley often has multiple keys for the same action defined. For example the XBox Controller has three buttons for opening the menu (Start, Y and B). This mod aims to free up some of the duplicate keys to be used by other mods.

Controller Scheme

Some example mods which can be used with this mod:

It does not always work though with mods which require a button to be held. These mods need to adapt their code to ensure compatibility with this mod.


Start the game and let the 'config.json' be generated. By default it creates a list you may want to modify:

Button Suppress Mode Note
DPadDown Suppress
DPadLeft Suppress
DPadRight Suppress
DPadUp Suppress
LeftShift DoNotSuppress
RightStick Suppress Suppressing this button removes the chat functionality. Useful for splitscreen.
ControllerA DoNotSuppress
ControllerB SuppressOnlyWhenPlayerFree Retains the functionality to cancel within menus, but frees it up for when the player is free to act
ControllerX DoNotSuppress
ControllerY DoNotSuppress
ControllerBack DoNotSuppress
ControllerStart DoNotSuppress
BigButton DoNotSuppress
LeftShoulder DoNotSuppress
RightShoulder DoNotSuppress
LeftTrigger DoNotSuppress
RightTrigger DoNotSuppress
LeftThumbstickDown DoNotSuppress
LeftThumbstickLeft DoNotSuppress
LeftThumbstickRight DoNotSuppress
LeftThumbstickUp DoNotSuppress
RightThumbstickDown DoNotSuppress
RightThumbstickLeft DoNotSuppress
RightThumbstickRight DoNotSuppress
RightThumbstickUp DoNotSuppress

You can freely extend this list by other keys. See a list of possible keys in the Stardew Wiki page Key Bindings

The following suppression modes exist:

  • Suppress: The key is suppressed in all circumstances of the game (even in the main menu, loading screen, etc.)
  • SuppressOnlyWhenPlayerFree: The key is suppressed only ingame when the player is free to act on the world (no menu is displayed, no cutscene is in progress, etc).
  • SuppressOnlyInMenu: The key is suppressed only ingame when the player is currently in some menu (inventory, chests, etc.)
  • SuppressOnlyWhenPlayerCanMove: Same as SuppressOnlyWhenPlayerFree but the player is also free to move (e.g. not using a tool)