
Demo project to test out new CI/CD practices

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Workflow Demo

Build Status

This is simply a project to test out some new workflow practices.

The branching strategy used here will follow the Gitflow standard where there is a long lived master and develop branch. Feature branches are merged to develop and when develop is ready for a release, the current state of develop will be merged down to master where a release will take place in the form of a tag.

This release will be automated via CI/CD and will be governed by Conventional Commits and Standard Version. Conventional Commits will be set up to adhere to a specific standard, which will be used to help generate proper version numbers and changelogs. Standard version will hook into the conventions put in place by Conventional Commits and will take advantage of CI/CD to perform the release and generate the changelog contents.

Builds will also be done for the develop branch in a similar fashion. Development builds will be versioned based on the commit hash of the most recent commit to the develop branch, rather than based on SemVer. These development releases will not have a Git tag associated with them and will only contain a Docker image within the Docker Registry.

Deployments will take place automatically via CI/CD as well and will be staged on a Kubernetes cluster as a Docker image. As previously stated, commits pushed to the develop branch will automatically have Docker images built and pushed to the Docker registry with the tag being governed by the commit hash. When these images are pushed, they will be automatically detected and deployed to Kubernetes.

Likewise, when a commit is pushed to master, the CI/CD pipeline will build a Docker image using the commit hash, while also using Standard Version to generate a Git tag and changelog. When the Git tag created by Standard Version is pushed to source control, it will have a Docker image built using the Git tag as the Docker tag. This tagged release will follow SemVer and will then be deployed to the Kubernetes cluster if it fits the schema defined in the cluster's config.