
Multiple choice timed quiz on Javascript-related fundamentals!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Multiple choice timed quiz on Javascript-related fundamentals!

This project was very difficult to execute, and took many many hours of review, note-taking, and tutorials to try and figure out how to go about it.

Unfortunately, I was unable to fully execute app along with specified criteria in the time alloted. Below please find a list of specifications that I was successful and, also, unsuccessful in.


  • App deploys
  • App presents quiz header, short introduction, and 'start quiz' button
  • Start button can successfully be engaged
  • Start button initiates timer (starting at 60 seconds) and starts a countdown
  • First question is displayed with four multiple choice answers
  • When incorrect choice is selected, 5 seconds is deducted from the total clock time
  • When correct choice is selected, alert is presented, next question is also displayed


  • 2nd round of answers does not populate
  • 3rd question and 3rd round of answers does not populate
  • 4th question and 4th round of answers does not populate
  • End of quiz prompt not completed
  • Entry of initials is not completed

Although I feel like I gained some very beneficial experience in the project, I was not as successful as I had hoped, but still was proud of some of the work in the final result.