
A library to implement a leveling system into a discord bot. Contains features such as XP, level, ranks, and role awards.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A library to implement a leveling system into a discord bot. One of the most popular discord bots out there is MEE6 and its leveling system. This library provides ways to easily implement one for yourself. It uses SQLite (aiosqlite) to locally query things such as their XP, rank, and level. Various amounts of other methods and classes are also provided so you can access or remove contents from the database file.

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You can install the latest PyPI version of the library by doing:

$ pip install discordLevelingSystem

Or the development version:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/Defxult/discordLevelingSystem



How to import

from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem, LevelUpAnnouncement, RoleAward


Intents are required for proper functionality

bot = commands.Bot(..., intents=discord.Intents(messages=True, guilds=True, members=True))


class DiscordLevelingSystem(rate=1, per=60.0, awards=None, **kwargs)

Parameters of the DiscordLevelingSystem constructor

  • rate (int) The amount of messages each member can send before the cooldown triggers
  • per (float) The amount of seconds each member has to wait before gaining more XP, aka the cooldown
  • awards (Optional[Dict[int, List[RoleAward]]]) The role given to a member when they reach a RoleAward level requirement

Kwargs of the DiscordLevelingSystem constructor

Name Type Default Value Info
no_xp_roles Sequence[int] None A sequence of role ID's. Any member with any of those roles will not gain XP when sending messages
no_xp_channels Sequence[int] None A sequence of text channel ID's. Any member sending messages in any of those text channels will not gain XP
announce_level_up bool True If True, level up messages will be sent when a member levels up
stack_awards bool True If this is True, when the member levels up the assigned role award will be applied. If False, the previous role award will be removed and the level up assigned role will also be applied
level_up_announcement Union[LevelUpAnnouncement, Sequence[LevelUpAnnouncement]] LevelUpAnnouncement() The message that is sent when someone levels up. If this is a sequence of LevelUpAnnouncement, one is selected at random
bot Union[AutoShardedBot, Bot] None Your bot instance variable. Used only if you'd like to use the on_dls_level_up event


  • no_xp_roles
  • no_xp_channels
  • announce_level_up
  • stack_awards
  • level_up_announcement
  • bot
  • rate (int) Read only property from the constructor
  • per (float) Read only property from the constructor
  • database_file_path (str) Read only property
  • active (bool) Enable/disable the leveling system. If False, nobody can gain XP when sending messages unless this is set back to True

NOTE: All attributes can be set during initialization

Initial Setup

When setting up the leveling system, a database file needs to be created in order for the library to function.

  • Associated static method
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.create_database_file(path: str)

The above static method is used to create the database file for you in the path you specify. This method only needs to be called once. Example:


Once created, there is no need to ever run that method again unless you want to create a new database file from scratch. Now that you have the database file, you can use the leveling system.

Connecting to the Database

  • Associated method
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.connect_to_database_file(path: str)

Since the database file has already been created, all you need to do is connect to it.

NOTE: When connecting to the database file, the event loop must not be running

from discord.ext import commands
from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem

bot = commands.Bot(...)
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem()



class RoleAward(role_id: int, level_requirement: int, role_name=None)

You can assign roles to the system so when someone levels up to a certain level, they are given that role. RoleAward is how that is accomplished.

Parameters of the RoleAward constructor

  • role_id (int) ID of the role that is to be awarded.
  • level_requirement (int) What level is required for a member to be awarded the role.
  • role_name (Optional[str]) A name you can set for the award. Nothing is done with this value, it is used for visual identification purposes only.


  • role_id
  • level_requirement
  • role_name
  • mention (str) The discord role mention string

When creating role awards, all role IDs and level requirements must be unique. Level requirements must also be in ascending order. It is also possible to assign different role awards for different guilds. If you don't want any role awards, set the awards parameter to None. When setting awards, it accepts a dict where the keys are guild IDs and the values are a list of RoleAward

from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem, RoleAward

johns_server = 587937522043060224
janes_server = 850809412011950121

my_awards = {
    johns_server : [
        RoleAward(role_id=831672678586777601, level_requirement=1, role_name='Rookie'),
        RoleAward(role_id=831672730583171073, level_requirement=2, role_name='Associate'),
        RoleAward(role_id=831672814419050526, level_requirement=3, role_name='Legend')
    janes_server : [
        RoleAward(role_id=851400453904400385, level_requirement=1, role_name='Silver'),
        RoleAward(role_id=851379776111116329, level_requirement=2, role_name='Gold'),
        RoleAward(role_id=851959077071880202, level_requirement=3, role_name='Diamond')

lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(..., awards=my_awards)


class LevelUpAnnouncement(message=default_message, level_up_channel_ids=None, allowed_mentions=default_mentions, tts=False, delete_after=None)

Level up announcements are for when you want to implement your own level up messages. It provides access to who leveled up, their rank, level and much more. It also uses some of discord.py's kwargs from its Messageable.send() such as allowed_mentions, tts, and delete_after to give you more control over the sent message.

Parameters of the LevelUpAnnouncement constructor

  • message (Union[str, discord.Embed]) The message that is sent when someone levels up. Defaults to "<mention>, you are now **level <level>!**"

  • level_up_channel_ids (Optional[Sequence[int]]) The text channel IDs where all level up messages will be sent for each server. If None, the level up message will be sent in the channel where they sent the message (example below).

  • allowed_mentions (discord.AllowedMentions) Used to determine who can be pinged in the level up message. Defaults to discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, users=True, roles=False, replied_user=False)

  • tts (bool) When the level up message is sent, have discord read the level up message aloud.

  • delete_after (Optional[float]) Delete the level up message after an x amount of seconds.

Class Attributes

The LevelUpAnnouncement class provides a set of markdown attributes for you to use so you can access certain information in a level up message.

  • LevelUpAnnouncement.TOTAL_XP The members current total XP amount
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.LEVEL The members current level
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.RANK The members current rank

The below markdown attributes takes the information from a discord.Member object so you can access member information in the level up message.

  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.avatar_url
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.banner_url
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.created_at
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.default_avatar_url
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.discriminator
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.display_avatar_url
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.display_name
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.id
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.joined_at
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.mention
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.name
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.nick
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.Guild.icon_url
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.Guild.id
  • LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.Guild.name
from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem, LevelUpAnnouncement

embed = discord.Embed()
embed.set_author(name=LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.name, icon_url=LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.avatar_url)
embed.description = f'Congrats {LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.mention}! You are now level {LevelUpAnnouncement.LEVEL} 😎'

announcement = LevelUpAnnouncement(embed)

lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(..., level_up_announcement=announcement)

# NOTE: You can have multiple level up announcements by setting the parameter to a sequence of LevelUpAnnouncement
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(..., level_up_announcement=[announcement_1, announcement_2, ...])

When it comes to level_up_channel_ids, you can set a designated channel for each server. If you don't set a level up channel ID for a specific server, the level up message will be sent in the channel where the member leveled up. You don't have to specify a level up channel ID for each server unless you'd like to.

johns_bot_commands = 489374746737648734 # text channel ID from server A
janes_levelup_channel = 58498304930493094 # text channel ID from server B

announcement = LevelUpAnnouncement(..., level_up_channel_ids=[johns_bot_commands, janes_levelup_channel])
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(..., level_up_announcement=announcement)

Handling XP

Method award_xp is how members gain XP. This method is placed inside the on_message event of your bot. Members will gain XP if they send a message and if they're not on cooldown. Spamming messages will not give them XP.

NOTE: Members cannot gain XP in DM's

  • Associated methods
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.add_xp(member: Member, amount: int)
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.remove_xp(member: Member, amount: int)
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.set_level(member: Member, level: int)
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.award_xp(*, amount=[15, 25], message: Message, refresh_name=True, **kwargs)

Parameters for award_xp

  • amount (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) The amount of XP to award to the member per message. Must be from 1-25. Can be a sequence with a minimum and maximum length of two. If amount is a sequence of two integers, it will randomly pick a number in between those numbers including the numbers provided.
  • message (discord.Message) A discord message object
  • refresh_name (bool) Everytime the member sends a message, check if their name still matches the name in the database. If it doesn't match, update the database to match their current name. It is suggested to leave this as True so the database can always have the most up-to-date record.

Kwargs for award_xp

  • bonus (DiscordLevelingSystem.Bonus) Used to set the roles that will be awarded bonus XP.
    • class Bonus(role_ids: Sequence[int], bonus_amount: int, multiply: bool)
    • Parameters of the DiscordLevelingSystem.Bonus constructor
      • role_ids (Sequence[int]) The role(s) a member must have to be able to get bonus XP. They only need to have one of these roles to get the bonus
      • bonus_amount (int) Amount of extra XP to be awarded
      • multiply (bool) If set to True, this will operate on a x2, x3 basis. Meaning if you have the awarded XP amount set to 10 and you want the bonus XP role to be awarded 20, it must be set to 2, not 10. If False, it operates purely on the given value. Meaning if you have the awarded XP set to 10 and you want the bonus XP role to be awarded 20, it must be set to 10.
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(...)

nitro_booster = 851379776111116329
associate_role = 851400453904400385

async def on_message(message):
    await lvl.award_xp(amount=[15, 25], message=message, bonus=DiscordLevelingSystem.Bonus([nitro_booster, associate_role], 20, multiply=False))


Accessing the raw information inside the database file can look a bit messy if you don't know exactly what you're looking at. To make things easier, this library comes with the MemberData class. A class which returns information about a specific member in the database.

  • Associated methods
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.get_data_for(member: Member) -> MemberData
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.each_member_data(guild: Guild, sort_by=None, limit=None) -> List[MemberData]


  • id_number (int) The members ID
  • name (str) The members name
  • level (int) The members level
  • xp (int) The members XP
  • total_xp (int) The members total XP
  • rank (Optional[int]) The members rank
  • mention (str) The discord member mention string


  • MemberData.to_dict() -> dict
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(...)

async def rank(ctx):
    data = await lvl.get_data_for(ctx.author)
    await ctx.send(f'You are level {data.level} and your rank is {data.rank}')

async def leaderboard(ctx):
    data = await lvl.each_member_data(ctx.guild, sort_by='rank')
    # show the leaderboard whichever way you'd like


You can set an event to be called when a member levels up. Using the event is considered as an enhanced LevelUpAnnouncement because it provides more capabilities rather than simply sending a message with only text/an embed. The on_dls_level_up event takes three parameters:

  • member (discord.Member) The member that leveled up
  • message (discord.Message) The message that triggered the level up
  • data (MemberData) The database information for that member
bot = commands.Bot(...)
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(..., bot=bot) # your bot instance variable is needed

async def on_dls_level_up(member: discord.Member, message: discord.Message, data: MemberData):
    # You can do a lot more here compared to LevelUpAnnouncement
    # - create a level up image and send it with discord.File
    # - call additional functions that you may need
    # - access to all attributes/methods that are available within discord.Member and discord.Message

NOTE: LevelUpAnnouncement and on_dls_level_up are not the same. Level up messages are sent by default by the library. If you'd like to only use on_dls_level_up, you need to disable level up announcements (lvl.announce_level_up = False)

Full Example

With all classes and core methods introduced, here is a basic implementation of this library.

from discord.ext import commands
from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem, RoleAward, LevelUpAnnouncement

bot = commands.Bot(...)

main_guild_id = 850809412011950121

my_awards = {
    main_guild_id : [
        RoleAward(role_id=831672678586777601, level_requirement=1, role_name='Rookie'),
        RoleAward(role_id=831672730583171073, level_requirement=2, role_name='Associate'),
        RoleAward(role_id=831672814419050526, level_requirement=3, role_name='Legend')

announcement = LevelUpAnnouncement(f'{LevelUpAnnouncement.Member.mention} just leveled up to level {LevelUpAnnouncement.LEVEL} 😎')

# DiscordLevelingSystem.create_database_file(r'C:\Users\Defxult\Documents') database file already created
lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(awards=my_awards, level_up_announcement=announcement)

async def on_message(message):
    await lvl.award_xp(amount=15, message=message)


All methods for DiscordLevelingSystem

Click to show all methods
  • await add_record(guild_id, member_id, member_name, level) - Manually add a record to the database. If the record already exists (the guild_id and member_id was found), only the level will be updated. If there were no records that matched those values, all provided information will be added

    • Parameters
      • guild_id (int) The guild ID to register
      • member_id (int) The member ID to register
      • member_name (str) The member name to register
      • level (int) The member level to register. Must be from 0-100
    • Raises
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The value given from a parameter was not of the correct type or "level" was not 0-100
  • await add_xp(member, amount) - Give XP to a member. This also changes their level so it matches the associated XP

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) The member to give XP to
      • amount (int) Amount of XP to give to the member
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Parameter "amount" was less than or equal to zero. The minimum value is 1
  • await award_xp(*, amount = [15, 25], message, refresh_name = True, **kwargs) - Give XP to the member that sent a message

    • Parameters
      • amount (Union[int, Sequence[int]])
      • message (discord.Message) A message object
      • refresh_name (bool) Everytime the member sends a message, check if their name still matches the name in the database. If it doesn't match, update the database to match their current name. It is suggested to leave this as True so the database can always have the most up-to-date record
    • Kwargs
      • bonus (DiscordLevelingSystem.Bonus) Set the bonus values. Read the DiscordLevelingSystem.Bonus doc string for more details (defaults to None)
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • backup_database_file(path, with_timestamp = False) - Create a copy of the database file to the specified path. If a copy of the backup file is already in the specified path it will be overwritten

    • Parameters
      • path (str) The path to copy the database file to
      • with_timestamp (bool) Creates a unique file name that has the date and time of when the backup file was created. This is useful when you want multiple backup files
    • Raises
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Path doesn't exist or points to another file
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await change_cooldown(rate, per) - Update the cooldown rate

    • Parameters
      • rate (int) The amount of messages each member can send before the cooldown triggers
      • per (float) The amount of seconds each member has to wait before gaining more XP, aka the cooldown
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The rate or per value was not greater than zero
  • await clean_database(guild) - Removes the data for members that are no longer in the guild, thus reducing the database file size. It is recommended to have this method in a background loop in order to keep the database file free of records that are no longer in use

    • Parameters
      • guild (discord.Guild) The guild records to clean
    • Returns
      • (Optional[int]) The amount of records that were removed from the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • connect_to_database_file(path) - Connect to the existing database file in the specified path

    • Parameters
      • path (str) The location of the database file
    • Raises
      • ConnectionFailure - Attempted to connect to the database file when the event loop is already running
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
  • static method create_database_file(path = None) - Create the database file and implement the SQL data for the database

    • Parameters
      • path (Optional[str]) The location to create the database file. If None, the file is created in the current working directory
    • Raises
      • ConnectionFailure - Attempted to create the database file when the event loop is already running
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The path does not exist or the path points to a file instead of a directory
  • await each_member_data(guild, sort_by = None, limit = None) - Return each member in the database as a MemberData object for easy access to their XP, level, etc. You can sort the data with sort_by with the below values

    • Parameters
      • guild (discord.Guild) A guild object
      • sort_by (Optional[str]) Return each member sorted by: "name", "level", "xp", "rank". If None, it will return in the order they were added to the database
      • limit (Optional[int]) Restrict the amount of records returned to the specified amount
    • Returns
      • List[MemberData]
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The value of sort_by was not recognized or guild was not of type discord.Guild
  • await export_as_json(path, guild) - Export a json file that represents the database to the path specified

    • Parameters
      • path (str) Path to copy the json file to
      • guild (discord.Guild) The guild for which the data should be extracted from. If None, all guild information will be extracted from the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The path does not exist or does not point to a directory
  • get_awards(guild = None) - Get all RoleAward's or only the RoleAward's assigned to the specified guild

    • Parameters
      • guild (Optional[Union[discord.Guild, int]]) A guild object or a guild ID
    • Returns
      • (Union[Dict[int, List[RoleAward]], List[RoleAward]]) If guild is None, this return the awards dict that was set in constructor. If guild is specified, it returns a List[RoleAward] that matches the specified guild ID. Can also return None if awards were never set or if the awards for the specified guild was not found
  • await get_data_for(member) - Get the MemberData object that represents the specified member

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) The member to get the data for
    • Returns
      • (MemberData) Can be None if the member isn't in the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await get_level_for(member) - Get the level for the specified member

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) Member to get the level for
    • Returns
      • (int) Can be None if the member isn't in the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await get_rank_for(member) - Get the rank for the specified member

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) Member to get the rank for
    • Returns
      • (int) Can be None if the member isn't ranked yet
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await get_record_count(guild = None) - Get the amount of members that are registered in the database. If guild is set to None, ALL members in the database will be counted

    • Parameters
      • guild (Optional[discord.Guild]) The guild for which to count the amount of records
    • Returns
      • (int)
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await get_total_xp_for(member) - Get the total XP for the specified member

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) Member to get the total XP for
    • Returns
      • (int) Can be None if the member isn't in the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await get_xp_for(member) - Get the XP for the specified member

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) Member to get the XP for
    • Returns
      • (int) Can be None if the member isn't in the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • static method get_xp_for_level(level) - Returns the total amount of XP needed for the specified level. Levels go from 0-100

    • Parameters
      • level (int) The level XP information to retrieve
    • Returns
      • (int)
    • Raises
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The level specified does not exist
  • await insert(bot, guild_id, users, using, overwrite = False, show_results = True) - Insert the records from your own leveling system into the library. A lot of leveling system tutorials out there use json files to store information. Although it might work, it is insufficient because json files are not made to act as a database. Using an actual database file has many benefits over a json file

    • Parameters
      • bot (Union[discord.ext.commands.Bot, discord.ext.commands.AutoShardedBot]) Your bot instance variable
      • guild_id (int) ID of the guild that you used your leveling system with
      • users (Dict[int, int]) This is the information that will be added to the database. The keys are user ID's, and the values are the users total XP or level. Note: This library only uses levels 0-100 and XP 0-1899250. If any number in this dict are over the levels/XP threshold, it is implicitly set back to this libraries maximum value
      • using (str) What structure your leveling system used. Options: "xp" or "levels". Some leveling systems give users only XP and they are ranked up based on that XP value. Others use a combination of levels and XP. If all the values in the users dict are based on XP, set this to "xp". If they are based on a users level, set this to "levels"
      • overwrite (bool) If a user you've specified in the users dict already has a record in the database, overwrite their current record with the one your inserting
      • show_results (bool) Print the results for how many of the users were successfully added to the database file. If any are unsuccessful, their ID along with the value you provided will also be shown
    • Raises
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - The value given from a parameter was not of the correct type. The users dict was empty. Or your bot is not in the guild associated with guild_id
  • await is_in_database(member, guild = None) - A quick check to see if a member is in the database. This is not guild specific although it can be if guild is specified

    • Parameters
      • member (Union[discord.Member, int]) The member to check for. Can be the member object or that members ID
      • guild (Optional[discord.Guild]) The guild to check if the member is registered in
    • Returns
      • (bool)
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Parameter member was not of type discord.Member or int
  • static method levels_and_xp( ) - Get the raw dict representation for the amount of levels/XP in the system. The keys in the dict returned is each level, and the values are the amount of XP needed to be awarded that level

    • Returns
      • (Dict[str, int])
  • await next_level(member) - Get the next level for the specified member

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) Member to get the next level for
    • Returns
      • (int) If the member is currently max level (100), it will return 100. This can also return None if the member is not in the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await next_level_up(member) - Get the amount of XP needed for the specified member to level up

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) Member to get the amount of XP needed for a level up
    • Returns
      • (int) Returns 0 if the member is currently at max level. Can return None if the member is not in the database.
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await raw_database_contents(guild = None) - Returns everything in the database. Can specify which guild information will be extracted

    • Parameters
      • guild (Optional[discord.Guild]) The guild to extract the raw database contents from. If None, information about all guilds will be extracted
    • Returns
      • List[Tuple[int, int, str, int, int, int]] The tuples inside the list represents each row of the database:
        • Index 0 is the guild ID
        • Index 1 is their ID
        • Index 2 is their name
        • Index 3 is their level
        • Index 4 is their XP
        • Index 5 is their total XP
        • Can be an empty list if nothing is in the database
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await refresh_names(guild) - Update names inside the database. This does not add anything new. It simply verifies if the name in the database matches their current name, and if they don't match, update the database name

    • Parameters
      • guild (discord.Guild) A guild object
    • Returns
      • (Optional[int]) The amount of records in the database that were updated
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await remove_from_database(member, guild = None) - Remove a member from the database. This is not guild specific although it can be if guild is specified

    • Parameters
      • member (Union[discord.Member, int]) The member to remove. Can be the member object or that members ID
      • guild (Optional[discord.Guild]) If this parameter is given, it will remove the record of the specified member only from the specified guild record. If None, it will remove all records no matter the guild
    • Returns
      • (Optional[bool]) Returns True if the member was successfully removed from the database. False if the member was not in the database so there was nothing to remove
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Parameter member was not of type discord.Member or int
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await remove_xp(member, amount) - Remove XP from a member. This also changes their level so it matches the associated XP

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) The member to remove XP from
      • amount (int) Amount of XP to remove from the member
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Parameter "amount" was less than or equal to zero. The minimum value is 1
  • await reset_everyone(guild, *, intentional = False) - Sets EVERYONES XP, total XP, and level to zero in the database. Can specify which guild to reset

    • Parameters
      • guild (Union[discord.Guild, None]) The guild for which everyone will be reset. If this is set to None, everyone in the entire database will be reset
      • intentional (bool) A simple kwarg to try and ensure that this action is indeed what you want to do. Once executed, this cannot be undone
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • FailSafe - "intentional" argument for this method was set to False in case you called this method by mistake
  • await reset_member(member) - Sets the members XP, total XP, and level to zero

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) The member to reset
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
  • await set_level(member, level) - Sets the level for the member. This also changes their total XP so it matches the associated level

    • Parameters
      • member (discord.Member) The member who's level will be set
      • level (int) Level to set. Must be from 0-100
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Parameter "level" was not from 0-100
  • await sql_query_get(sql, parameters = None, fetch = 'ALL') - Query and return something from the database using SQL. The following columns are apart of the "leaderboard" table: guild_id, member_id, member_name, member_level, member_xp, member_total_xp

    • Parameters
      • sql (str) SQL string used to query the database
      • parameters (Optional[Tuple[Union[str ,int]]]) The parameters used for the database query
      • fetch (Union[str, int]) The amount of rows you would like back from the query. Options: 'ALL', 'ONE', or an integer value that is greater than zero
    • Returns
      • (Union[List[tuple], tuple])
        • Using fetch='ALL' returns List[tuple]
        • Using fetch='ONE' returns tuple
        • Using fetch=4 returns List[tuple] with only four values
        • Can also return an empty list if the query was valid but got nothing from it
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - Argument "fetch" was the wrong type or used an invalid value
      • aiosqlite.Error - Base aiosqlite error. Multiple errors can arise from this if the SQL query was invalid
  • await switch_connection(path) - Connect to a different leveling system database file

    • Parameters
      • path (str) The location of the database file
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
  • static method transfer(old, new, guild_id) - Transfer the database records from a database file created from v0.0.1 to a blank database file created using v0.0.2+. If you were already using a v0.0.2+ database file, there's no need to use this method

    • Parameters
      • old (str) The path of the v0.0.1 database file
      • new (str) The path of the v0.0.2+ database file
      • guild_id (int) ID of the guild that was originally used with this library
    • Raises
      • ConnectionFailure - The event loop is already running
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - "old" or "new" database file was not found
      • DiscordLevelingSystemError - One of the databases is missing the "leaderboard" table. A v0.0.2+ database file contains records, or there was an attempt to transfer records from a v0.0.2+ file to another v0.0.2+ file
  • await wipe_database(guild = None, *, intentional = False) - Delete EVERYTHING from the database. If guild is specified, only the information related to that guild will be deleted

    • Parameters
      • guild (Optional[discord.Guild]) The guild for which all information that is related to that guild will be deleted. If None, everything will be deleted
      • intentional (bool) A simple kwarg to try and ensure that this action is indeed what you want to do. Once executed, this cannot be undone
    • Raises
      • DatabaseFileNotFound - The database file was not found
      • LeaderboardNotFound - Table "leaderboard" in the database file is missing
      • ImproperLeaderboard - Leaderboard table was altered. Components changed or deleted
      • NotConnected - Attempted to use a method that requires a connection to a database file
      • FailSafe - "intentional" argument for this method was set to False in case you called this method by mistake

Migrating from v0.0.1 to v0.0.2+

Click to show details

This library was not originally designed with the use of multiple servers in mind, so all the data you might have currently (your database file was created in v0.0.1) should be from a single server. With v0.0.2, the structure of the database file was changed to accommodate this fix. That means if you are currently using a v0.0.1 database file and update to v0.0.2+, a vast majority of the library will be broken. To avoid this, you need to transfer all your v0.0.1 database file records to a v0.0.2+ database file. This can be done using the transfer method.

  • Associated static method
    • DiscordLevelingSystem.transfer(old: str, new: str, guild_id: int)


  • old (str) The path of the v0.0.1 database file
  • new (str) The path of the v0.0.2+ database file (a brand new file from using DiscordLevelingSystem.create_database_file(path: str))
  • guild_id (int) ID of the guild that was originally used with this library
from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem

old = r'C:\Users\Defxult\Documents\DiscordLevelingSystem.db'
new = r'C:\Users\Defxult\Desktop\DiscordLevelingSystem.db'

DiscordLevelingSystem.transfer(old, new, guild_id=850809412011950121)

Inserting your own leveling system information

Click to show details

Insert the records from your leveling system into this one. A lot of leveling system tutorials out there use json files to store information. Although it might work, it is insufficient because json files are not made to act as a database. Using a database file has many benefits over a json file. If you previously watched a tutorial for your leveling system and would like to import your records over to use with this library, you can do so with the below method.

  • Associated static method
    • await DiscordLevelingSystem.insert(bot: Union[Bot, AutoShardedBot], guild_id: int, users: Dict[int, int], using: str, overwrite=False, show_results=True)


  • bot (Union[discord.ext.commands.Bot, discord.ext.commands.AutoShardedBot]) Your bot instance variable

  • guild_id (int) ID of the guild that you used your leveling system with

  • users (Dict[int, int]) This is the information that will be added to the database. The keys are user ID's, and the values are the users total XP or level. Note: This library only uses levels 0-100 and XP 0-1899250. If any number in this dict are over the levels/XP threshold, it is implicitly set back to this libraries maximum value

  • using (str) What structure your leveling system used. Options: "xp" or "levels". Some leveling systems give users only XP and they are ranked up based on that XP value. Others use a combination of levels and XP. If all the values in the users dict are based on XP, set this to "xp". If they are based on a users level, set this to "levels"

  • overwrite (bool) If a user you've specified in the users dict already has a record in the database, overwrite their current record with the one your inserting

  • show_results (bool) Print the results for how many of the users were successfully added to the database file. If any are unsuccessful, their ID along with the value you provided will also be shown

NOTE: If the users you've provided in the users dict is not currently in the guild (guild_id), their information will not be inserted. If you'd like, you can manually add those records with method DiscordLevelingSystem.add_record(), but that is discouraged because it is better to discard information that is no longer in use (the user is no longer in the guild)

# leveling_system.json
      "5748392849348934" : {
          "xp" : 373,
          "level" : 4
      "89283659820948923" : {
          "xp" : 23,
          "level" : 1

# bot.py
import json
from discord.ext import commands
from discordLevelingSystem import DiscordLevelingSystem

bot = commands.Bot(...)

lvl = DiscordLevelingSystem(...)

def json_to_dict() -> dict:
    with open('leveling_system.json') as fp:
        data = json.load(fp)
        formatted: Dict[int, int] = ... # format the data so all keys and values are associated with the user ID and level
        In the end, the formatted dict should look like so:
        formatted = {
            5748392849348934 : 4,
            89283659820948923 : 1
        return formatted

async def insert(ctx):
    await lvl.insert(ctx.bot, guild_id=12345678901234, users=json_to_dict(), using='levels')
