
Voice Commands using ROS on Turtlebot

Primary LanguagePython


Voice Commands using ROS on Turtlebot

---About--- This Project allows for Turtlebot to hear, repeat, and implement commands.

---Setup--- Need to install PocketSphinx at http://wiki.ros.org/pocketsphinx. Just follow the installation. Also need to install sound_play at http://wiki.ros.org/sound_play. Get the package from the github source and then run the following commands for setting it up: $ rosdep install sound_play $ rosmake sound_play Might need to set the correct message types in the package.xml file Go to http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/tools/lmtool.html for creating a new dictionary

---Launch Files--- voice_cmd_test.launch has the most up to date implementation. voice_cmd.launch is just the original voice command launch file. voice_tests.launch is for testing with the test dictionaries with more words. (I need to use better wording for these titles) test_bouncer.launch is used for testing the launch of new nodes during runtime.

---Scripts--- Mostly just the things covering the launch files Has my current attempt at getting the parameterization node to do anything.

---Dict--- Need to clean up this area and have a decent dictionary and language model that covers all the areas wihtout having too many words Maybe add multiple language models or even dictionaries for parameterized commands.

---World--- Has a bunch of different world files we can work with