
Chat Censor plugin for PocketMine-MP

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Chat Censor plugin for PocketMine-MP


PocketMine-MP plugins


PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.4 API 1.9.0


ChatCensor allows you to block swam words, limit characters and mute players in chat

EvolSoft Website: http://www.evolsoft.tk

To prevent bugs, delete all old plugin data if you are updating ChatCensor.

This Plugin uses the New API. You can't install it on old versions of PocketMine.

With ChatCensor you can block swam words, you can limit characters in chat and you can mute players. (read documentation)
You can also easily set actions for each word.


/chatcensor - ChatCensor commands
/addword - Add a denied-word
/removeword - Remove a denied-word
/mute - Mute player
/unmute - Unmute player


- Bug fix (if bugs will be found)
- Block spam
- Add ban time


Add and configure a denied word:

  1. Run the command "/addword "
  2. Go to "ChatCensor/denied-words" directory and open the word file
    This is a word config file:
#Delete the message
delete-message: false
#Enable word replace
enable-replace: true
#Word that will be replaced (only if enable-replace is set to true)
replace-word: "****"
#Sender settings
#Kick player (if ban is set to true, action will be cancelled)
kick: false
#Ban player (if kick is set to true, action will be cancelled)
ban: false
#Kick settings
#Kick message
message: "Kicked for swearing!"
#Ban settings (ban duration will be implemented in next version)
#Ban message
message: "Banned for swearing!"

Configuration (config.yml):

#Censor settings (Censor blocks swear words from chat, it can be bypassed with the permission: chatcensor.bypass.censor)
#Enable Censor
enabled: true
#if you enable allow-bypassing, players can bypass Censor with the permission: chatcensor.bypass.censor
allow-bypassing: false
#Log "No swearing" message to player
log-to-player: true
#Log message to player when it is muted
log-to-player: true
#Log message to player when it is unmuted
log-unmute: true
#Keep player muted when it relog in the server
keep-on-relogin: true
#CharCheck (CharCheck limits characters in chat)
#Enable CharCheck
enabled: true
#if you enable allow-bypassing, players can bypass CharCheck with the permission: chatcensor.bypass.char-check
allow-bypassing: false
#Log message to player
log-to-player: true
#Allow players to use "\" in chat messages
allow-backslash: false
# List of allowed characters (Don't forget to add the character in quotes)
- "Q"
- "W"
- "E"
- "R"
- "T"
- "Y"
- "U"
- "I"
- "O"
- "P"
- "A"
- "S"
- "D"
- "F"
- "G"
- "H"
- "J"
- "K"
- "L"
- "Z"
- "X"
- "C"
- "V"
- "B"
- "N"
- "M"
- "q"
- "w"
- "e"
- "r"
- "t"
- "y"
- "u"
- "i"
- "o"
- "p"
- "a"
- "s"
- "d"
- "f"
- "g"
- "h"
- "j"
- "k"
- "l"
- "z"
- "x"
- "c"
- "v"
- "b"
- "n"
- "m"
- "1"
- "2"
- "3"
- "4"
- "5"
- "6"
- "7"
- "8"
- "9"
- "0"
- "."
- ":"
- ","
- ";"
- "-"
- "_"
- "|"
- "!"
- "/"
- "?"


/chatcensor - ChatCensor commands (aliases: [cc, chatc, censor])
/addword <word> - Add a denied-word
/removeword <word> - Remove a denied-word
/mute <player> - Mute player
/unmute <player> - Unmute player

  • chatcensor.* - ChatCensor permissions.
  • chatcensor.bypass.* - Bypass ChatCensor permissions.
  • chatcensor.bypass.char-check - Bypass ChatCensor CharCheck permissions.
  • chatcensor.bypass.censor - Bypass ChatCensor Censor permissions.
  • chatcensor.commands.* - ChatCensor commands permissions.
  • chatcensor.commands.help - ChatCensor command Help permission.
  • chatcensor.commands.info - ChatCensor command Info permission.
  • chatcensor.commands.reload - ChatCensor command Reload permission.
  • chatcensor.commands.addword - ChatCensor command AddWord permission.
  • chatcensor.commands.removeword - ChatCensor command RemoveWord permission.
  • chatcensor.commands.mute - ChatCensor command Mute permission.
  • chatcensor.commands.unmute - ChatCensor command Unmute permission.