The Verydogelabs DRC-20 Indexer is an advanced software tool that enables users to efficiently index DRC-20 tokens using two different modes. It is designed to work seamlessly with the Ord Indexer, providing robust and reliable indexing performance.
This tool operates in two modes:
- Startup Mode: This mode is optimized for rapid data acquisition from the Ord Indexer. It does not execute the generation of inscription transfers nor does it initiate any DRC-20/Doge-20 indexing tasks.
- Daemon Mode: This mode allows all tasks to run continuously, ensuring constant indexing.
Here are the recommended steps to use the DRC-20 Indexer:
- Run the startup mode (DAEMON=false) until the specified startup block is reached.
- Switch to daemon mode by setting DAEMON=true in the environment variables.
- Optionally, set SLOW_DOWN_MODE=true to reduce the indexing speed in order to accommodate for any potential blockchain reorganizations.
Here is a list of the environment variables used by the DRC-20 Indexer along with their explanation and example values.
# Symbol names of tokens to index from ord indexer
# The block until which the startup mode should run
# The block with first shibescription
# This is the value for Dogecoin mainnet
# The last block to index (mainly for testing, development)
# The base url of the ord indexer
# false = startup mode, true = daemon mode
# Redis settings
# You can use a redis socket or a redis url
# How many blocks behind the chain should the indexer be
# Set to true to slow down the indexer to cover reorgs