WEMOVIES | Typescript| ReactJS
WEMOVIES project. Built with ❤︎ by André Luiz Santos
👉 demo: https://desafio-wefit-react-typescript.vercel.app/
In this link, you cannot access the features related to post, delete and put. Because DB is local. To work, clone the project and follow the tutorial below.
This project was made using the follow technologies:
You need to install Node.js and Yarn first, then:
Make a .env-local file
fill the file with your database informations and baseUrl "http://localhost:3000" (local)"
### Run Aplication
yarn start - start aplication on ReactJS
yarn server - start aplication on JSON-server (Mock - DATABASE)
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Made with love by André Luiz Santos 🚀