
Notes With RealmDB

Primary LanguageKotlin

💻 Clean MVVM Architecture with Dagger Hilt 💻

  • 💻 This project demonstrates the implementation of a Clean MVVM architecture using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection.

📚 Libraries 📚

  • 📚 Kotlin Coroutines - For asynchronous programming
  • 📚 Retrofit - For networking and API communication
  • 📚 Paging 3 - For pagination
  • 📚 Dagger Hilt - For dependency injection
  • 📚 Jetpack Compose - For building UI components
  • 📚 JUnit and MockK - For testing
  • 📚 Lottie: For Animations.
  • 📚 Material 3: For the visual part.
  • 📚 Detekt: For Code Optimization.

🧮 Architecture 🧮

The project follows the Clean MVVM architecture, which consists of the following layers:

  • 🧮 Presentation Layer: Contains the UI components, ViewModels, and Compose screens.
  • 🧮 Domain Layer: Contains the business logic and use cases.
  • 🧮 Data Layer: Contains the repositories, data sources, pagination and API communication.
  • 🧮 Dependency Injection: Uses Dagger Hilt for dependency injection.

📁 Folder Structure 📁

The project is structured as follows:

  • 📁 app
  • 📁 src
  • 📁 main - 📁 java/com/example/myapp
    • 📁 data -> Contains repository implementations and data sources
    • 📁 domain -> Contains use cases and business logic
    • 📁 presentation -> Contains ViewModels and UI components
    • 📁 models -> Contains model classes and common constants


  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/Deiivid/Clean_Arquitecture_Compose.git


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-23 a las 17 52 21

🗺️ Navigation 🗺️


🙂 Images 🙂

Ricky morty images