Ruby Scraper

This project is a web scraper project built using the Ruby programming language. The website scrapped in this project is the largest job posting platform in Ethiopia i.e. Ethiojobs


Demo Video

Built With

  • Ruby
  • RSpec
  • Rubocop
  • Nokogiri
  • Colorize


  • The project should demonstrate scrapping of atleast one web page
  • The code should demonstrate Object Oriented Design
  • The workflow used should be Git flow
  • Public methods should be tested
  • It is recommended to use Nokogiri for scraping
  • A code linter should be setup

Getting Started

  • Clone the project in to your computer using git clone
  • cd into the ruby-scrapper folder
  • run bundle install or the following separately
  • run main.rb file by entering bin/main.rb or type rspec to run tests
  • The following picture will show the result of the scrapping



👤 Dejazmach Molla

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  • Microverse