Sway configured for a phone.
TODO: screenshot
This is a repository with PKGBUILDs; useful for building Arch Linux ARM packages.
TODO: what is provided?
TODO: details and logic behind packages
- pptk ... PinePhone Toolkit
To build AArch64 (ARM) packages on an x86_64 machine, consider using armutils. This creates an AArch64 chroot and runs the compilation emulated in QEMU. E.g. for building a package located in ./pkg
$ mkarmroot -u http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz ./aarch64/root base-devel
$ cd pkg
$ sudo makearmpkg -r ../aarch64 -- --noconfirm
Otherwise, you can just build this package directly on the target device as usual:
$ cd pkg
$ makepkg -si