
CLI tool to visualise CloudFormation/SAM/CDK stacks as visjs networks or draw.io diagrams.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node.js CI

CLI tool to visualise CloudFormation/SAM/CDK templates as diagrams.


npm i -g @mhlabs/cfn-diagram


Usage: cfn-dia [options] [command]

  -v, --vers                          Output the current version
  -h, --help                          Display help for command

  draw.io|d [options]                 Generates a draw.io diagram from a CloudFormation template
  html|h [options]                    Generates a vis.js diagram from a CloudFormation template
  browse|b [options]                  Browses and generates diagrams from your deployed templates
  help [command]                      Display help for command

Draw.io Options:
  -t, --template-file [templateFile]  Path to template or cdk.json file
  -c, --ci-mode                       Disable terminal/console interactivity
  -o, --output-file [outputFile]      Name of output file
  -co, --cdk-output [outputPath]      CDK synth output path
  -s, --skip-synth                    Skips CDK synth
  -e, --exclude-types [excludeTypes]  List of resource types to exclude when using CI mode

Html Options:
  -t, --template-file [templateFile]  Path to template or cdk.json file
  -c, --ci-mode                       Disable terminal/console interactivity
  -o, --output-path [outputPath]      Name of output file
  -co, --cdk-output [outputPath]      CDK synth output path
  -s, --skip-synth                    Skips CDK synth

Output formats


Use it in combination with the Draw.io Integration for VS Code to instantly visualise your stacks.



cfn-dia draw.io -t template.yaml


  • Select only the resource types you want to see. This lets you skip granlar things like roles and policies that might not add to the overview you want to see
  • Navigate through a new differnet layouts
  • Works for both JSON and YAML templates
  • Filter on resource type and/or resource names
  • Works with CloudFormation, SAM and CDK


The HTML output uses vis.js to generate an interactive diagram from your template.



cfn-dia html -t template.yaml

or, for CDK stacks, go to project directory (where cdk.json is located) and enter

cfn-dia html 


This functionality lives in its own CLI, cfn-diagram-ci. This is beacuse it requires headless Chromium to be installed which makes the package size very large

It uses pageres to generate a screenshot of a HTML diagram. This can be used in a CI/CD pipeline to keep an always up-to-date diagram in your readme-file.


cfn-dia image -t template.yaml

Known issues

  • Some icons are missing. Working on completing the coverage.
  • When using WSL you might experience Error: spawn wslvar ENOENT when trying to use HTML output. To resolve, install wslu. See issue #9.