
IranOpen 2018 codes

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains packages for IranOpen 2018 virtual rescue robot .

Preparing your system

It assumes that you have already installed Gazebo 7.0 and ROS-kinetic on your system .

  • Create a catkin workspace
mkdir ~/workspace/src 
cd ~/workspace/src 
  • Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Delara-Forghani/Operation-BrightStar.git

  • Now it's the time to make the catkin package

  • source the shell and variables :
source ./devel/setup.sh

Running the tests

run the following commands:

  • $ roslaunch setup robot_world.launch
  • $ roslaunch communication_node registration_server.launch
  • $ roslaunch setup spawn_4_pioneers.launch
  • $ roslaunch communication_node update_info.launch
  • $ roslaunch setup robot_navigation.launch
  • $ roslaunch burgard burgard.launch
  • $ roslaunch setup rviz.launch


CRLab at AmirKabir university of Technology.