
Canonical sequel to Space Game

Primary LanguageC++

A GrassGame

Canonical sequel to Space Game.
This is a base project that has been adapted from a coursework project from university.
Space Game was a 2D horizontal space shooter i made in highschool to test game mechanics and engine fundimentals, waaaay before I knew how to use version control. I have a copy of it somewhere I think.


This is a WIP orthographical game, written in C++ using the SFML graphics framework. The included graphics are taken from www.opengameart.org and the tilesets will be modified as required.

Download and Compile

Required packages: [git, make, cmake, clang++ or g++]

The project files should be cloned from the master branch of this repository. As SFML has been added as a dependancy, you should use
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/DelbyPicnic/grassgame.git
to clone the game files and the SFML library.

If you didn't use the --recurse-submodules flag then you can init the submodules manually by havigating to the directory and running the following command:
git submodule update --init --recursive

Compiling the project requires CMake 3.9 or later. Generate makefiles for your specific platform using CMake: *nix-based platforms:

cmake -G"Unix Makefiles"


Use the CMake GUI to make VS2017 .sln project files


It is recommended that any work be done using a Unix or Unix-like environment, Windows is supported but is not an active focus. Any support I can give you will be relative to g++ or clang++.
The recommended tools for developing and maintaining the software is VisualStudio Code and a modern C++ compiler such as g++ or clang++.
To work on the level data and maps, use the Tiled Map Editor.
To edit pixel-level graphics, use either PikoPixel or Adobe Fireworks.

Pull Requests & Contribution

Pull requests will be evaluated according to code quality, and then signifigance. This is a side project, with two people at most working on it, any interest or contributions will be appreciated!