Transrss glues torrent rss feeds to the Transmission bitorrent client
- Consume feeds as provided by
- No episode filter: your feed must provide only one release for each episode
- REPACKs and PROPERs replace the original release if present in Transmission
- Rolling dedup cache of latest torrents
- (Very) simple cache persistence
- Clone this repository
- Enter the cloned directory
- Build it
Cross compile to any supported golang platform. Example for RPI 1:
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go build
Example for RPI 3:
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build
An example Dockerfile is provided for building an executable suitable for working under Alpine Linux running on an ARM device such as Raspberry Pi 1.
All options are listed in a (hopefully) self-explainatory configuration file. A command-line option can change the configuration file that will be parsed.
Usage of ./transrss:
-config <configuration file>
Cache path (default "./config.json")
Automate rss checking using your favorite scheduler. Crontab example:
- Edit crontab file by running:
crontab -e
- Add the relevant crontab entry (check every 30 minutes):
*/30 * * * * /absolute/path/to/transrss
- Only releases with episode numbers written as S##E## are accepted (where ## are digits)
- Multiple releases for the same episode will be downloaded
- propers and repacks "cleanup" may not work reliably under this condition
- Episode history (ie, if the episode has already been downloaded) is not implemented
- This is different from the cache: cache is based on torrent's hash, not on release properties
- [] Parse all possible episode formats: S#E#, #x##, #x#, #.##, #.#, #-##, etc...
- [] Handle the "multiple releases per episode" scenario
- [] Manage episode history