Organize ideas and collaborate using Markdown, a lightweight language for text formatting.
Great job adding a code example to the file 🥳
What is a task list? A task list creates checkboxes to check off. They're very useful for tracking issues and pull requests. If you include a task list in the body of an issue or pull request, you'll see a progress indicator in your issue list. The syntax for task lists is very specific. Be sure to include the spaces where required, or else they won't render.
- [x] List syntax is required
- [x] This item is complete
- [ ] This item is not complete
- List syntax is required
- This item is complete
- This item is not complete
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Use Markdown to create a task list. Here is an example:
- [ ] Turn on GitHub Pages - [ ] Outline my portfolio - [ ] Introduce myself to the world
Remember, a task list starts with the syntax
- [ ]
and then the task list item. The formatting is specific! -
Use the Preview tab to check your Markdown formatting.
Commit the changes to the file.
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