
Code Examples referenced in lecture on DevOps

Primary LanguageMakefile

Lecture: DevOps - Code Examples

This repository contains executable code that is meant to serve as examples for the DevOps lecture as part of the master's studies.

Example: Terraform


  • make
  • openssh
  • terraform
  • r/w supporting DigitalOcean API token (./.credentials/do-api-token)

How to use

  1. make init

    • generates an ssh key pair
    • initializes terraform within the project
  2. make allocate

    • spins up a virtual machine
  3. make connect

    • opens ssh connection to the virtual machine
  4. make clean

    • destroys all allocated resources on DigitalOcean
    • removes all terraform files created during runtime

Example: Vagrant


  • make
  • openssh
  • vagrant
  • VirtualBox (+ Extension Pack and Guest Additions)

How to use

  1. make vm-prerequisites

    • installs depending vagrant plugins
  2. make vm-allocate

    • spins up and prepares a local virtual machine
  3. make vm-status

    • shows the current state of the local virtual machine
  4. make vm-connect

    • opens ssh connection to the virtual machine
  5. make vm-clean

    • destroys the local virtual machine
    • removes all vagrant files and logs created during runtime

Example: Ansible


  • make
  • ansible v2.8.x
  • per default the target host is the one provisioned in Example: Vagrant, so unless another host has been added in the inventory, it is required to allocate the local virtual machine first before applying the environment configuration with Ansible

Project structure

  • ./environments/local/inventory contains all arguments for the local environment
  • ./cm-ansible/roles contains the whole state definition and logic
  • ./cm-ansible/playbooks

How to use

  1. make vm (optional, if not already done)

    • spins up the local virtual machine
  2. make local

    • applies configuration for the local environment
  3. make test-local

    • executes all tests defined in the respective roles

Please note that the Makefile contains some more "sub-commands" (aka target) worth checking out regarding Ansible, like facts, vars or check.

Example: Jenkins


Please refer to Example: Ansible

Project structure

See cm-ansible/roles/jenkins/README.md for mor information. Examples for pipelines can be found in ./cicd

How to use

  1. Install Jenkins with the help of Ansible (see playbook main.yaml)

Add a node

  1. Create a node via Jenkins UI: Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes > New Node > Node name: agent_name (Ansible variable) + Permanent Agent > Launch method: Launch agent by connecting it to the master > Save

  2. Obtain agent secret by selecting node from list & set agent_secret in Jenkins inventory file accordingly

  3. Apply changes via Ansible