
Simple but flexible Maps module for FileMaker distributed in Carafe

MIT LicenseMIT


Simple but flexible Maps module for FileMaker distributed in Carafe.

This simple maps code allows most ( and soon to be more with your contributions ) Google maps feautres often needed in FileMaker web viewers. This code is a port from some pervious code to take advantage of Carafe, an open source module for code distribution for FileMaker JS modules.


  • Single API interface script handles all data and configurations
  • 2 way interactivity to FM so additional Google instantiation hits are mitigated
  • simple update concept


The main concept of BetterMaps is that you just pass the key:vales of the param syou want to update and it takes care of the rest. Want to update the markers, just pass in that array. Want to change a callback script, just pass in that key.

Refer to google maps API for more details regarding some attributes.

Attribute Value Description
departureTimeOffset Used for calulating offset time for traffic in mS from now
fileName FileMaker callback file name use get(filename) required for callbacks, only needs to be set once.
mapBorderArray If set, this array will be used to draw the map boarder
mapCenter Centers map on passed location
cluster Boolean - If true, hides markers and shows clusters
markersArray If set, thei array of marker objects will be drawn on the map
neighborhoodBorderArray If set, an neabourhood array ( outline) will be drawn
optimizeWaypoints true If true, the routes will be optimized
routesArray If set, this array will be passed in as an array of routes for multi-route ruoting.
scriptDirectionResults Script name to callback to when the directions/routing has returned from Google
scriptSendCoordinatesToFM Script name to callback to when sending coordinates back to FM, if not set, no callback in performed. Coords are sen on things like mamp move and zoom change.
scriptSendGeoToFM Script name to callback to when the map is clicked
setBounds Will set the map bounds
showDirectionsPanel Boolean, if true the sidebar will show the direction results
showInfoWindow Shows marking info window for passed id
showTraffic Boolean - if true, will show the traffic layer
travelMode Type of transportation for calculating routes. Options: Driving, Transit, Walking, Bicycling
trafficModel What method will be used to calculate traffic times. Options: Pptinistic, Pesimistic, Best Guess,
unitSystem metric or imperial if not used ( default)
mapZoom Map zoom level, 1-19?