
JWT-based API for user registration and authorization

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JSON Web Token authorization API

Based on Sails.js (v0.12)

Coverage Status Build status Greenkeeper badge

An example implementation of JWT-based API for user registration and authorization.

It supports:

  1. User register;
  2. User login;
  3. Getting account info;
  4. Token generation and validation;
  5. Password reset (with a reset token);
  6. Password change (with JWT credentials);
  7. Account locking.

Things to do:

  1. Optional email notifications (based on environment);
  2. Keep reset token encrypted and with a validity date;
  3. Unlock after some freeze period;
  4. Registration confirmation (with a confirm token).


npm run start

or, if you have Sails globally:

sails lift

For security reasons, please change JWT_SECRET in api/config/env/development.js.

Pass JWT

Token-free endpoints:


Token-required endpoints:


To pass a JWT use Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

API methods description

For some reasons I do not use REST. Shortcuts also disabled by default (see api/config/blueprints.js).

POST /user/create

Creates a new user. Requirements for the password: length is 6-24, use letters and digits.


  "email": "email@example.com",
  "password": "abc123",
  "password_confirm": "abc123"


  "token": "<JWT>"

POST /user/login


  "email": "email@example.com",
  "password": "abc123"


  "token": "<JWT>"

N.B. Account will be blocked after 5 fails in 2 mins (configurable in api/services/UserManager.js).

GET /user

Returns basic info about current account. Requires authorization.
request Params not required.


  "id": 1,
  "email": "email@example.com"

POST /user/change_password

Changes user password. User should be authorized.


  "email": "email@example.com",
  "password": "abc123", 
  "new_password": "xyz321",
  "new_password_confirm": "xyz321"


  "token": "<JWT>"

N.B. All old tokens will be invalid after changing password.

POST /user/forgot

Initiates procedure of password recovery.


  "email": "email@example.com"


  "message": "Check your email"

POST /user/reset_password

Reset password to a new one with a reset token. Reset token sends to a user after /user/forgot.


  "email": "email@example.com",
  "reset_token": "<Password Reset Token>",
  "new_password": "xyz321",
  "new_password_confirm": "xyz321"


  "message": "Done"

HTTP codes

All endpoints uses HTTP status codes to notify about execution results

  • 200 ok, reqeust executed successfully;
  • 201 created, new user created successfully;
  • 400 bad request, usually means wrong params;
  • 403 forbidden, for locked accounts;
  • 500 server error, something went wrong.


The project uses Travis-CI and Coveralls integration and has some tests. Run it via:

npm run test

Inspired by

This project is based on this repo: https://github.com/swelham/sails-jwt-example (unlicensed).
I refactored and improved it for myself.


It is MIT.