💕 ViewPager2 is bae 💕
I'm obsessed with keeping stuff up-to-date (if you couldn't tell from my repetitive commits).
My current personal projects are:
- https://gitlab.com/TacoTheDank/APKMirror (Android app client for APKMirror)
- https://github.com/TacoTheDank/Scoop (Catches a stack trace when an app crashes unexpectedly)
- https://github.com/TacoTheDank/text_converter (An app that converts text to all sorts of stuff)
Yeah, they're forks, but one day I'll write some apps of my own ;)
I mainly contribute to various projects that interest me, or to which I just feel like contributing. Some I contribute to regularly, others every once in a while.
The main projects I like to be involved in (in one way or another) are pinned, and also include these five (because there aren't enough slots in pins):
- https://github.com/sky-map-team/stardroid
- https://github.com/TwidereProject/TwidereX-Android
- https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental
- https://github.com/SkyTubeTeam/SkyTube
- https://github.com/YTVanced/VancedManager (come join the Vanced discord! :^))
Here's some more projects that I also like to dry my eyes out staring at.
If you read all this... thank you c: