PHPSA is a development tool aimed at bringing complex analysis for PHP applications and libraries.
P.S This software is currently in early alpha state, any contributions/stars will be awesome.
- Compiler - Component to compile expression(s) and statement(s) from AST
- Analyzer
- ControlFlow (WIP)
- Definition - base definitions
What is needed or planned as future.
- Import
- Local variable
- Parameter
- Private field
- Private method
- Class
- Class constant
- Class property
- Class method
- Callback
- Constant
- Function
- Namespace
- Variable
- Missing doc block
- Missing @return
- Missing @param
- Loop which does not loop
- Ternary operator simplification
- Elvis operator can be used
- Not optimal if conditions
- Infinite loop
- Unreachable statement
- Stupid cast
- Not implemented class methods
- Not implemented function
- Division by zero {expr}/0
- Division from zero 0/{expr}
- Missing 'break' statement
- Void function result used
- Language level
- Syntax error
- Alias Check
- Argument Unpacking
- Debug Code
- Deprecated Functions
- Deprecated Ini Options
- Random Api Migration
- Use Cast
- Array short definition
- Regular Expressions
The easiest way to get it working is to download a tagged phpsa.phar release, and put this on your path. For example:
chmod +x phpsa.phar
sudo mv phpsa.phar /usr/local/bin/phpsa
The recommended way to install phpsa is via composer
- If you do not have composer installed, download the
executable or use the installer.
$ curl -sS | php
- Run
php composer.phar require ovr/phpsa
or add requirement in composer.json.
"require": {
"ovr/phpsa": "*"
- Run
php composer.phar update
git clone
cd phpsa
You can run php
with parameters to disable it:
php -n -d xdebug.enable=0 -f ./bin/phpsa
$ ./bin/phpsa
PHP Smart Analyzer version 0.5.0
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
check SPA
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
Example output:
$ ./bin/phpsa check ./tests/
It is highly recommended to disable the XDebug extension before invoking this command.
Scanning directory ./tests/simple
found 10 files
Syntax error: Syntax error, unexpected '}' on line 8 in ./tests/simple/syntax-error/1.php
Notice: Unused variable $a in method test() in ./tests/simple/unused-variable/1.php [unused-variable]
Notice: Property a does not exist in this scope in ./tests/simple/undefined/Property.php on 9 [undefined-property]
return $this->a;
Notice: Constant BBBB does not exist in self scope in ./tests/simple/undefined/Const.php on 14 [undefined-const]
return self::BBBB;
Notice: Method b() does not exist in this scope in ./tests/simple/undefined/MCall.php on 7 [undefined-mcall]
return $this->b();
Notice: You trying to use undefined variable $unusedVariable in ./tests/simple/undefined/MCall.php on 23 [undefined-variable]
return $unusedVariable->b();
Notice: Function undefinedFunction() does not exist in ./tests/simple/undefined/FCall.php on 7 [undefined-fcall]
Notice: You trying to use undefined variable $b in ./tests/simple/undefined/LocalVariable.php on 8 [undefined-variable]
return $a + $b;
Notice: Static method b() does not exist in self scope in ./tests/simple/undefined/SCall.php on 7 [undefined-scall]
return self::b();
Notice: You trying to use division on {expr}/0 in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 7 [division-zero]
return 1000 / 0;
Notice: You trying to use division on {expr}/0 in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 12 [division-zero]
return 1000 / (100-100);
Notice: You trying to use division on {expr}/0 in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 17 [division-zero]
return 1000 / ((50+50)-100);
Notice: You trying to use division on {expr}/0 in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 22 [division-zero]
return 1000 / ((5*5)-25);
Notice: You trying to use division on {expr}/0 in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 27 [division-zero]
return 1000 / ((-25) + (5*5));
Notice: You trying to use division on {expr}/0 in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 32 [division-zero]
return 1000 / ((-4) + (5^1));
Notice: You trying to use division from 0/{expr} in ./tests/simple/devision-by-zero/1.php on 37 [division-zero]
return 0 / 1000;
Memory usage: 4.97 (peak: 5.25) MB
- PHP >= 5.5 (compatible up to version 7.0 && hhvm), but anyway this can check files for PHP >= 5.2
Thanks to our sponsors and supporters:
JetBrains |
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for more information.