Pinned Repositories
This Project will take the weight of a 10gram poker chip and tell you the total value on the pad.
Create a physical chess puzzle on a chess board. This board will have user checkability and software mapped defined chess puzzles. At first there will be 3 different chess puzzles ranging from easy to hard. There will be an OLED screen to show the user where to put the prices to set up the chess puzzle. This project will also have a feature to show user hint or show asnwer. After completing the puzzle a sound will play to tell the user he/she has completed the puzzle.
Description: This project will be able to display current time, set relay on/off time, the use of pots and buttons to navigate around the OLED display and set time to use for a timer.
Dellyjoe's Repositories
This Project will take the weight of a 10gram poker chip and tell you the total value on the pad.
Create a physical chess puzzle on a chess board. This board will have user checkability and software mapped defined chess puzzles. At first there will be 3 different chess puzzles ranging from easy to hard. There will be an OLED screen to show the user where to put the prices to set up the chess puzzle. This project will also have a feature to show user hint or show asnwer. After completing the puzzle a sound will play to tell the user he/she has completed the puzzle.
Description: This project will be able to display current time, set relay on/off time, the use of pots and buttons to navigate around the OLED display and set time to use for a timer.