
A quick setup for a slackbot hosted in google cloud functions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

WFH Slackbot

How to run locally

  1. npm install
  2. Create a functions/.runtimeconfig.json with this structure (ask Auther for token)
  "slack": {
    "coffeehoused": {
      "token": "<SLACK-TOKEN>"
  1. Install ngrok and run ngrok http 5000
  2. Change the slackbot command url to your ngrok url + wfh-slackbot-a39c5/us-central1/coffeeBreak
  3. firebase emulators:start in the functions folder (need firebase tools installed globally npm -i -g firebase-tools)
  4. npm run dev seperately in the functions folder
  5. Triggering a slack command should then go: -> ngrok -> localhost:5000 (cloud function) -> express app