
A collection of image captioning algorithms

Primary LanguagePython

Image Captioning

A collection of image captioning algorithms.


  • Python 3.9.7
  • cuda 10.2
  • cudnn8.3.0
  • Contents of pip install -r requirements.txt

A Note for QMUL Compute Server Users

The above can be loaded using:

module load python
module load cuda/10.2-cudnn8.3.0

⚠️ If you get an error about the module command not being available, run source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh. If you add that to your .bashrc the error should go away permanently.

Specific torch install command: pip install torch==1.12.1+cu102 torchvision==0.13.1+cu102 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu102


Current datasets supported:

  • Flickr8K (name: "flickr8k")
  • COCO (name: "coco")
  • COCO with Karpathy Split (name: "coco_karpathy")
  1. In datasets/download_scripts there are a collection of bash scripts for downloading the required datasets. Run the script in the directory you wish to install the dataset to.
  2. Update the dataset section of the JSON configuration file being run. Note that the talkfile will be generated if it doesn't already exist. Name needs to correspond to one of the supported datasets in data_factory.py. See example below
"dataset": {
    "name": "flickr8k",
    "root": "/location/to/flickr8k/images",
    "annotations": "/location/to/flickr8k/captions.txt",
    "talk_file": "/location/to/flickr8k/flickrtalk.json"

Running the Code

python3 main.py --file <path to config.json>