
Make db persistent on Telegram chat using pyrogram

Primary LanguagePython


Table of Contents


  • Simple and Efficient: PyrogramDB offers a straightforward approach to data storage and management for your Pyrogram-based Telegram bots.
  • CRUD Operations: Perform essential database operations like creating (Insert), retrieving (Query), updating (Update), and deleting (Delete) records using intuitive methods.
  • Telegram Group Integration: Leverage a dedicated Telegram group for data storage, providing a readily accessible and familiar interface for managing your bot's data.


Before diving in, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

pip install pyrogram tgcrypto


  1. Create a Python Script: Begin by creating a Python script to interact with PyrogramDB.

  2. Import Necessary Libraries: Import the Client class from pyrogram and PyrogramDB from your pyrogramdb.py file (assuming that's where your class resides).

  3. Configure Logging: Set up logging (optional but recommended) to track database interactions and potential errors. Use logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) to enable informative logs.

  4. Replace Placeholders: Update the following placeholders with your actual values:

    • API_ID: Your Telegram API ID
    • API_HASH: Your Telegram API hash
    • BOT_TOKEN: Your Telegram bot token
    • CHAT_ID: The chat ID of the Telegram group you'll use for data storage (replace the negative placeholder with the actual ID)
  5. Instantiate Pyrogram Client and PyrogramDB: Create instances of Client and PyrogramDB:

    app = Client("my_bot", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, bot_token=BOT_TOKEN)
    db = PyrogramDB(app, CHAT_ID)


This example demonstrates how to use PyrogramDB for basic CRUD operations:

async def main():
    await app.start()

    # Sample data for insertion
    data_to_insert = {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 30,
        "occupation": "Software Developer"

    # Insert data
    inserted_data = await db.insert_one(data_to_insert)
    print("Inserted Data (message ID):", inserted_data)  # Returns the message ID for reference

    # Query for specific data
    query = {"name": "John Doe"}
    result = await db.get_one(query)
    print("Queried Data:", result)  # Returns the matching data dictionary

    # Update existing data (modify the value you want to change)
    new_data = {"age": 31}
    updated_data = await db.update_one(query, new_data)
    print("Updated Data:", updated_data)  # Returns the updated data dictionary

    # Delete data
    delete_success = await db.delete_one(query)
    print("Delete Successful:", delete_success)  # Returns True if deletion was successful

    await app.stop()

import asyncio

Breakdown of Operations

  • insert_one(data): Adds a single record to the Telegram group database. Returns the message ID of the inserted data for potential reference.
  • get_one(query): Retrieves the first record that matches the provided query dictionary. Returns the matching data dictionary or None if no match is found.
  • update_one(query, new_data): Modifies the first record that satisfies the query with the new data provided. Returns the updated data dictionary or None if no match is found.
  • delete_one(query): Deletes the first record that matches the query. Returns True if deletion was successful, False otherwise.

Security Considerations

While PyrogramDB offers convenience, it's essential to be mindful of security implications when storing data in a Telegram group, especially for sensitive information. Consider the following precautions:

  • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data before storing it in the Telegram group.
  • Access Control: Limit access to the Telegram group to only trusted users or administrators.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Implement robust logging and monitoring to detect any unauthorized access or anomalies in data transactions.
  • Bot Permissions: Restrict bot permissions to only those necessary for its operations to minimize potential attack vectors.