
Static frontend for LIWO (https://www.basisinformatie-overstromingen.nl/liwo/)

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Static frontend for LIWO (basisinformatie-overstromingen.nl)


Build status

BCH compliance

Docker Cloud Build Status


Build Setup

See the docs of the build environment for further details.

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve

# run unit tests
npm run test:unit

# run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e

# security audit
npm audit

# update the version number (displayed in the about page)
npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s for because ..."

# outdated check
npm outdated

# build using a different url
# Note that this should include a slash at the end
BASE_URL=/ npm run build

# deploy to github (note that travis does this automatically)
gh-pages -d dist

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# deploy to surge (for comparisons)
surge dist liwo-test.surge.sh

# create a release
npm run release

# create a sig review file after a release (requires jq and wget)
# follow the instruction to upload the file


The api that is used to get map information can be found at swagger.


The application has an option to overwrite the BASE_URL. This was mainly needed when the application was deployed at a /liwo url. This is not in use at the moment. Old url's that refer to /liwo will get a 301 permanently moved http response to the appropriate url. This is implemented into the nginx configuration as a relative redirect.

Semantic releases

If you specify fixes and features in your commit messages a new semantic release will be created, after a merge with master. Semantic release updates the package.json. So in the build process we build, release, and then build again (see the .github node.js actions configuration). The .releaserc.json file contains details about the semantic release git plugin. This plugin pushes the updated package.json back to the master.


Icon designs are stored under the folder src/img/design. They are stored in svg which can be edited using illustrator.


Deployment is done through travis based on the gh-pages branch. See the test server. A version per branch is available through netlify

Changing the default servers

If you want to change the servers that are used you can adapt the public/config/webconfig.json file, this replaces the old src/webconfig.js. This file is not minified during build and can be adapted after deployment. This can be done by for example puppet scripts. Note that each release can add or remove servers from the file so the best approach is to alter the file rather than to overwrite it (think awk or file_line in puppet). Note that the LEGEND_URL should refer to the same server as the STATIC_GEOSERVER_URL. The geoserver is expected to be reachable at http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms to generate legend images.

Deploy under a different url

If you want to deploy under a different url you can use the environment variable BASE_URL, for example by building BASE_URL=/liwo npm run build. That is also the default build. You can change the default build in .travis.yml.

E2E testing

We perform a set of E2E tests to verify that specific functionality of the application is working correctly. We make a distinction between the following types:

  • Long running tests (run once every day):
    • These tests test, for each map, a few basic features that all 'views' have in common. For example: downloading a .zip file, clicking on the map, etc.
  • UI tests (run on every PR/merge):
    • These tests test the UI of the application. For example: the menu, the map, the sidebar etc.
    • We also test the things users can do with the application. Creating certain selections on maps, exporting them, importing them, etc.

Running tests

The tests are conducted using Cypress in the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox (some tests are specifically disabled for Firefox, since they do not work in the headless environment)

File structure

  ├── _example/
  │   └── test.js
  ├── custom-assertions/
  │   └── elementCount.js
  │   ## CSV mock data
  ├── data/
  │   └── Kaartlagen_LIWO.csv
  │   ## Helper functions used in tests
  ├── lib/
  │   ├── csv-to-json.js
  │   ├── generate-selector.js
  │   └── get-layers.js
  │   ## JSON mock data
  ├── mock/
  │   ├── doubleFeatureCollection.json
  │   ├── featureCollection.json
  │   ├── layerset.json
  │   └── multipleFeatureCollection.json
  │   ## Cypress configuration
  ├── plugins/
  │   └── index.js
  ├── specs/
  │   ├── long-running/
  │   │   └── layers/
  │   │       │   ## Tests all layers in the .csv file ##
  │   │       ├── map-layers.js
  │   │       └── maps-list.js
  │   └── ui/
  │       │   ## Tests functionality after combining multiple points ##
  │       ├── combine/
  │       │   ├── export-scenarios.js
  │       │   ├── import-scenarios.js
  │       │   ├── multiple-scenarios.js
  │       │   └── replace-scenarios.js
  │       │
  │       │   ### Tests pre-combined scenarios functionality ##
  │       ├── combined/
  │       │   ├── activate.js
  │       │   ├── export.js
  │       │   └── url.js
  │       │
  │       │   # Tests for for a scenario
  │       ├── scenarios/
  │       │   ├── click-for-value.js
  │       │   ├── filters.js
  │       │   ├── metadata.js
  │       │   ├── notifications.js
  │       │   ├── popup.js
  │       │   └── selection.js
  │       │
  │       │   ## Tests for other aspects of the application ##
  │       ├── dead-links.js
  │       ├── export.js
  │       ├── images.js
  │       ├── layer-controls.js
  │       ├── map-controls.js
  │       ├── maps-list.js
  │       ├── url.js
  │       └── version.js
  │   ## Global configuration and behavior that modifies Cypress
  └── support/
      ├── commands.js
      └── index.js

Testing times

Be aware that although the 'UI tests' are separate from the 'long running' tests, they still take about 4 minutes to complete. The long running tests can take up about 40 minutes. Luckily they don't need to be run on every PR/merge, but only once a day.

Mock data

We use some static (mock)data to run our tests more reliably, consistently and faster.

Note: The CSV file is not comma separated but semicolon separated. This is because the CSV file is the output of another process, which uses semicolons as separators.

Both are updated every once in a while. Please run (and update) the tests if you change the mock data.

Test example

We included an example test file here. We've added some comments explaining how we've setup the tests and how to test certain things.

Deploy using docker

If you want to deploy the docker version, you can use the Dockerfile in the main directory. It will build the website and add it to a container with an nginx webserver. Make sure you check the nginx.conf settings for details about the security settings.


The configuration that can be changed after build time is stored in webconfig.json. This contains the links to the backend servers. It also allows to enable/disable the cookie banner.

Sig review

Create a release with npm run release and then run ./sig-deploy.sh to download the latest zip file to the format liwo-static-yyyymmdd.zip. Upload that file to sig.

Upgrade node version

If you want to node version you have to do this in several locations at the same time.

  • .nvmrc, for netlify
  • Dockerfile, for the nginx container
  • .github/workflows/cypress-long-running.yml, for testing long running e2e tests
  • .github/workflows/cypress-ui.yml, for ui tests (multiple places)
  • .github/workflows/node.js.yml, for unit tests (multiple places)