Website for action, sharing compelling narratives on water.
git clone
cd wwa
npm ci
All needed environment variables are listed in the .env.example file. To automatically set them fill in a .env
file following the same structure as the example file.
cp .env.example .env
Fetch content from DatoCMS, start Netlify Dev and Nuxt.js to preview the website.
npm run start
Fetch content and generate static website files.
npm run build && npm run generate
You can add geographical data by using the following approach
- Prepare a dataset (geojson, kml, shape file, or pre-rendered tiff file in RGBA)
- Upload it to mapbox and do some styling
- You get back a mapbox://style/url
- Add the mapbox://style/url to your story
- Click publish
There are two ways data is fetched from DatoCMS:
- Classic way, dump data using
- New preferred way, fetch using DatoCMS GraphQL API from Nuxt