
Command line Wikipedia searching!

Primary LanguagePython


Wikipedia searching from the command line!


(This probably isn't the best way, but here it goes)

  1. Download the latest version of cwiki - https://github.com/Demetri0/cwiki/releases.
  2. Open up your terminal app of choice.
  3. Navigate to the folder containing the "cwiki.py" file.
  4. Add the executable permission to the file: chmod +x cwiki.py.
  5. Move the file to the usr/local/bin directory so it can be launched as a command: mv cwiki.py /usr/local/bin.

Then you can run a wikipedia search by typing cwiki.py followed by your query (If it's a multi-word query you'll need to use speech marks.).


  • cwiki.py anime
  • cwiki.py anime -c 4 or cwiki.py anime --count 4 - set limit of response
  • cwiki.py anime -l ru or cwiki.py anime --lang ru - set language
  • cwiki.py Anime -e or cwiki.py Anime --extend - get full article
  • cwiki.py Anime --color - colorize output