
Learn the ABC of deep learning with tensorflow !

Primary LanguagePython

TensorFlow Basics Tutorial

This repo shows some basic coding involved in implementing a neural network in tensorflow. It contains two pieces of code:

  • tfbasics.py

    • Short Context : Entire code in Tensorflow is executed in a session. So untill we run our session via the tf.Session.run() command, our code won't show the mystical powers it possess. In short we just construct the graph of our network and no execution is performed.
    • About Code : The tfbasics.py is solely made to show how to execute our code in tensorflow or in other words how to run our session. It contains an oversimplified example of multiplying two constants using tf.mul(x1, x2) where x1 & x2 are our two constant instantiations. The notable point here is that our tf.mul() won't actually compute the product untill we run our session which is being done via
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        print sess.run(result)

    It is only when we call sess.run() that the product is computed and is being stored in result.

  • deep-net.py

    • Short Context : A neural network in general, has three kinds of layers: Input Layer, Hidden Layer & Output Layer. A Neural Network is classified as deep or not based on the number of hidden layers it contains between the Input and Output Layer. A Neural Network has some very crucial components as described below:

      1. Weight Matrix : Neural Networks are all about extensive Matrix Algebra. The Weight Matrix mentioned here is something that relates one layer to the other Layer. How you say?? Hmm...Let's see. Basically what a Neural Network does is it learns a function to generalize the relation between given Input & Output. So just like we see y = mx + c we will have O = f(H(n)) where O is output vector and H(n) is nth hidden layer vector which when chained down the 1st hidden layer bears a relation something like H(1) = g(I) where I is the input layer. Very rarely this relation is linear in nature. This complexity is caught by the Weight Matrix.
      2. Activation Function & Bias : Following the analogy of how neurons in our brain function, Activation Functions are the entities that turn our neuron ON/OFF. For a simplified task such as that of Binary Classification our Activation Functions will have binary state, but in practical applications they are nonlinear in nature that gives a lot of power and flexibilty to our network. We will talk about Bias a bit later.
      3. Feed Forward, Back Propagation & Epoch : Feed Forward is nothing but running our network in the forward direction. How to run you say?? Hmm...Well you have the input vector, initial weight matrices (that are to be learnt obviously), the activation function and the bias. So all you have to do is put the different pieces of puzzles together (make the TF graph) and get your output vector (by running your session)! Now Backprop is this entire process in the reverse direction. It seems pretty straight forward eh ! Well theoretically it is, but when we proceed to the implementation phase, a lot of rigorous Matrix Algebra and Calculus is involved. It may be possible that at a point we come across an underivable/undefined expression. To safegaurd ourselves from such situations, we add Bias to our layers so that they won't vanish in between the process, so that won't be undefined during the process. Now 1 Feed Foward combined with 1 Back Prop make one Epoch.
      4. Loss Function : After running an Epoch, theoretically we shouldn't have any difference between the initial and final values but in real life, we do. We calculate this deviation and find how much does our value differ from the expected output value. How to minimize this?? Remember we had those Weight Matrices from before? We change the weights there so that we converge more and more towards our expected value. This is exactly what our loss function does. It's only job is to minimize this deviation or loss and make our learn the mapping from input to output.
    • About Code : Now that we have gone through the various crucial "cells" or "neurons" that make our neural network, it should be fairly easy to follow along with the code. Choosing a very easy task and what is called the "Hello World" of Machine Learning, we will work with the MNIST Dataset (which contains large collection of hand written digits) to identify a letter given a test image. Here is the flow of the code explained:

      1. Loading Dataset: Tensorflow provides us with the dataset, so we don't have to download it from anywhere else. We first load the dataset via the line
      from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data

      and store it in one hot vector form via

      mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/data/", one_hot=True)
      1. Declaring Hyper-parameters (Constants that we need to define for our NN) : This snippet contains all the hyper parameters for our network.
      learning_rate = 0.001   # the rate at which we try to move while optimization
      hm_epochs = 10  # total number of epochs
      n_nodes_hl1 = 500  # number of nodes in hidden layer 1
      n_nodes_hl2 = 500  # number of nodes in hidden layer 2
      n_nodes_hl3 = 500  # number of nodes in hidden layer 3
      n_classes = 10  # As there are 10 possible outcomes (1, 2, 3...10)
      batch_size = 100  # We will read data in chunks, this will make our code a lot faster
      # ==========This the input layer declaration=============
      # input height x weight
      x = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 784])
      y = tf.placeholder('float')

      We can use tf.placeholder() to get a simple variable that can be assigned some value at a later stage. 3. Declaration of the Neural Network : The function neural_network_model() contains our complete NN model. Here notice the declaration of hidden layers (l1, l2, l3) & output layer (output). It's kind of self explantory if we see their weights attribute we can find the pattern and map how we will proceed during a Forward Feed and Back Prop. It's nothing but a series of Matrix Multipications. We have used Rectified Linear as our Activation Function as can be seen here

      tf.nn.relu(l2)  # activation function for hidden layer 2
      1. Training the network : This is the part where all optimizations will be performed. First we get our expected output from the network using prediction = neural_network_model(x), then we calculate the loss using softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() and use AdamOptimizer to adjust our weights so as to learn the appropriate mapping of input to output as here
      prediction = neural_network_model(x)
      cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(prediction, y))
      optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost)

      Remember that we were declaring the graph of Neural Network until now. Using the tf.Session.run(tf.initialize_all_variables()) we will trigger all our nodes in the Graph as active and finally performing the task hm_epochs times, we get out our final result.

For the implementation of some more complex neural networks like RNN (Recursive Neural Network) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) you can check out this repo