BookInfo Modernization Project


This project is dedicated to modernizing Istio's example application by implementing resources that enhance the quality and efficiency of the infrastructure. The project is structured into various labs, with each lab designed to implement one or more specific resources to the cluster.

Lab 1 - Cluster Creation and Configuration

In this first lab, we'll focus on setting up and configuring the cluster. This includes creating necessary manifests, labels, roles, and service accounts. We will also be introducing kustomize, a tool that we'll be using extensively in the subsequent labs for more advanced configurations.

Lab 2 - Nodegroups, Fargate, Storage, and Ingress

Building upon the foundations set in Lab 1, this lab will enhance our cluster with additional resources. We will be adding node groups, configuring pod affinity, taints, and instance types. We will also explore the use of Fargate and managed node groups. Furthermore, this lab covers how to expose the application using Ingress and set up the appropriate storage configurations.

Lab 3 - Autoscaling

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Each lab is designed to build upon the concepts and configurations implemented in the previous one. Therefore, it's recommended to complete them in sequence. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to raise an issue in this repository.