
REST API for project MeRepresenta to bring extra data to the frontend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Me representa - API Microservice

API for Me representa project


npm install

Run for development

Create a .env file with the variables in .env.dist and fill with the following data:

Variable Description Default
MONGO_URL A mongo string connection url. We use mongo3.6 so you might try to use the same version of mongo or another one. Ex.: mongodb://localhost:27017/merepresenta -
ORIGINS Allowed origins. For development, you should put localhost -
SECRET A random string that will be used to upload CSV -
PORT The port that the app listens to 5000

For development we can use nodemon with hot-reload, you can use:

npm run dev

Without nodemon, just run start, which is similar to

npm run start

How to start

First you should fill your mongo database. For that, you should send the csv to the following endpoint POST /upload/csv. You need to use a Bearer token, which is the one defined in .env called SECRET

I recommend using a Rest tool like Insomnia. But you can use any other tool like Postman.

After sending the CSV, the database will be filled with the data:

200 OK

  "message": "Upload/import the CSV data into database successfully: candidatxs_2021_p_demoenred.csv"


GET /twitter/<screen_name>

Gets data from the uploaded CSV.

GET http://localhost:3000/twitter/SantoroLeandro

  "data": {
    "screen_name": "SantoroLeandro",
    "name": "Leandro Santoro",
    "profile_image_url": "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1430179894990974986/UCTfkFMm_400x400.jpg",
    "followers_count": "335236",
    "description": "Diputado de la Ciudad Aut�noma de Buenos Aires. @FrenteDeTodos"
GET /twitter/<screen_name>/tweets

Gets the last 10 tweets. This one will take a few seconds, because its going to connect to a external DB.

GET http://localhost:3000/twitter/SantoroLeandro

  "data": [
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },

POST /upload/csv

Requieres a Bearer Token. Must be the same defined in SECRET It expects a multipart/form-data with a field called csvFile and the value it's the CSV.

200 OK

  "message": "Upload/import the CSV data into database successfully: candidatxs_2021_p_demoenred.csv"