
Overview of the new Democratic-Republican Party #DemocratRepublic

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Overview of the new Democratic-Republican Party #DemocratRepublic

Democratic-Republican Party #DemocratRepublic This is the Initial draft statement of the Democratic-Republican (DemocratRepublic) Party and subject to change by party members.

DemocratRepublic is the first open political party allowing anyone to contribute and run in order to make government more effective by bridging ineffective two party systems. DemocratRepublic is short for Democratic-Republican Party.

The original Democratic-Republican Party began in 1791 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the American founding fathers and principal authors of the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Today “Democrats” and “Republicans” spend more time focusing on their parties by fighting and arguing about politics rather than getting anything done. Neither of these parties are serving citizens of the United States properly so it's time to bring back the Democratic-Republican party to serve as a bridge between the infighting two party system. Hence DemocratRepublic is created as the new Democratic-Republican party.

The Declaration of Independence states (with minor modifications): “All People are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among the People, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Governments become destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government.” Our current government HAS become destructive in many ways including the following: Allowing a single person, the President of the US, the sole decision to destroy Earth through nuclear weapons, Allowing multinational corporations the ability to game the tax system for unfair advantage over small businesses, Running up unsustainable nation debt, Destroying ecosystems of Earth, Poisoning citizens through unsafe water, land, drugs and food, Adhering to an unnecessary electoral college ignoring citizens votes, and much more.

Most citizens in the United States have the same basic goals stated in the Declaration of Independence to pursue Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness for their selves, their family and their community. To pursue Life, citizens need healthy air, food, water, environment and a way to support themselves and family. Government is failing in the area of Life by allowing dirty air, water, and subsidizing big agriculture to create poisonous food that is destroying environments. Government has lost control of our Liberty by creating an unsustainable national debt that keeps rising and outside influence of lobbyists, corporations and wealthy. Governments have also failed in our right of the pursuit of Happiness through the creation of the current divisive two party political system.