Installing crucible in a fully virtualized environment

This document gives the instructions to install an OpenShift cluster in a fully virtualized environment using crucible.


The host is running RHEL 8.5 and has a registered subscription

Login as redhat user

If the user does not exist, create it, be sure to grant the user admin rights

[user]# useradd redhat [user]# usermod -aG sudo redhat [user]# su redhat

Create the crucible group

$ sudo groupadd crucible

Add the redhat user to the crucible group

$ sudo usermod -aG crucible redhat

Check VM network configuration

You will need two network interfaces. The first one (enp1s0 in the diagram) must have access to the Internet. The second one (enp7s0 in the diagram) does not need an IP address, just needs to be up.

Create ssh key

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -b 4096 $ ssh-copy-id redhat@localhost

Install Ansible

Install the EPEL repository

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable "codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-$(arch)-rpms"

$ sudo yum -y install

Install Ansible

$ sudo yum install ansible

Install git package

$ sudo yum install git

Download the pull secret

Please download the pull secret and place it at your home directory

Download slcm-crucible automation playbooks

On your VM, download the slcm-crucible project in your home

$ cd ~

$ git clone

Edit secret.yml

Edit the file ~/slcm-crucible/vars/secret.yml and ensure that the three variables have been updated with your information

$ vim ~/slcm-crucible/automation/vars/secret.yml

REDHAT_SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME: add_your_username_here

REDHAT_SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD: add_your password_here

Encrypt secret.yml with ansible-vault

$ ansible-vault encrypt ~/slcm-crucible/vars/secret.yml

Edit inventory.vault.yml

Edit the file ~/slcm-crucible/inventory.vault.yml and add your sensitive information

$ vim ~/slcm-crucible/inventory.vault.yml

Encrypt inventory.vault.yml with ansible-vault

$ ansible-vault encrypt ~/slcm-crucible/inventory.vault.yml

Prepare the host

Execute pre-deployment.yml playbook to install all the required dependencies and run scenario-specific steps.

$ ansible-playbook ~/slcm-crucible/pre-deployment.yml --ask-vault-pass

You can see the tasks performed by the pre-deployment.yml in