Hopster Demo

A mini technical project to impress with my skill and creativity. Let me show the final version.

  1. Here how it looks before start.

alt tag

  1. Before main menu appears You will see alert with shot description.

alt tag

  1. Choose character You want and tap siri remote.

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  1. Again, short alert how to play.

alt tag

  1. Enjoy game! collect all bricks and watch video.

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  1. After game has finished, alert tells the next possible steps.

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  1. Old-fashioned tv will show movie, with progress displayed at the bottom.

alt tag

  1. Pause indicator right on the tv.

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  1. You can even watch Your favourite video again, or return back to the begining.

alt tag

There are much more thing covered by this great demo :)


Developed on:

Xcode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014)

Tested and verified on:

tvOS Simulator - AppleTV 1080p, 9.2


  1. Download from the GitHub
  2. Launch HopsterDemo.xcworkspace with Xcode 7.3.1
  3. Choose Apple TV 1080p simulator
  4. Press Product -> Run
  5. Enjoy!


Main menu:

You can swipe from character to character to select video You'll watch after the game.

Game page:

Swipe to move control. Don't let the bird fall! After You collect all the bricks, You can watch video. If You lose, You still can watch video!

Video page:

Tap siri remote to play/stop video. Playback progress is shown at the bottom of the screen.


Please, look into commits page for detailed history.

Technical notes

Demo covered the following topics:

  1. Concurency (MenuModel based on NSOperationQueue && NSOperations)
  2. Autolayout (Storyboard vs programmatically)
  3. CoreGraphics (Game scene renderer)
  4. Desing patterns (with game development)
  5. Multimedia (AVPlayer, UIView animations)